Important Notice to All Elders!

by Blueblades 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Most congregrations have members of the TATE family residing in their assigned territory, and some of these are poor associates.

    There is old man DICTATE who wants to organize everybody.

    Uncle ROTATE wants to change everything, just when things are running smoothly.

    Sister AGITATE constantly stirs up trouble, often helped in this by husband IRRITATE.

    Whenever new suggestions are made for the ministry, you will find that HESITATE and his wife VEGETATE will hold back and encourage others to do that too.

    Keep an eye on young Brother DEVASTATE as he is quite tactless in the service and in talking to the older brothers and sisters.

    Sometimes REGURGITATE shows up at the meetings, and he tends to live in the past and he constantly brings up things that have been handled long ago.

    You will find AMPUTATE and his family are the most difficult to help as they persist in cuting themselves off completely from the meetings and service.

    Thankfully, we do have some help in the good example of dear old aunt IMITATE who always tries to follow the example of our Lord.

    And also there is cousin MEDITATE, who gives careful thought to all theocratic suggestions.

    I found this article in my library when I was doing some housecleaning, I don't remember who posted this before. I find that AMPUTATE applies to me and my family. Is there any of this TATE family that the Society has given notice to the Elders that applies to you?

    Of course this is meant as a joke, however,I do believe and have seen this kind of labelling used toward the rank and file in times past in the congregations that we attended. Have you personally experienced this kind of labelling toward you and your family, if so , it is no joke.

    Blueblades and family have cut themselves completey from the meetings and service

  • AlmostAtheist

    The only one in the family with any sense at all is Uncle APOSTATE... but sadly we had to DF him.


  • Blueblades

    Hi Almost! That was a good catch, Uncle APOSTATE. I'm surprised that he was not mentioned at all.

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler

    You also forgot Brother IRRITATE who just gets on everyones nerves.

  • Blueblades

    Chuck, you missed sister AGITATE who has a husband named IRRITATE.

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler

    D'oh, I missed that!
    Does 'repitition for emphasis' make a good enough excuse?

  • dmouse

    But what about brother Mutate, who keeps changing what he believes whenever there is new light?

    and sister Lactate - giving out the milk of human kindness...

    and brother Amputate, whose family have cut him off...

    and brother Levitate who is rising in the ranks...

    not like brother Prostate who is a pain in the arse...

    but most are like sister Vegetate and don't think at all, except her cousin, sister Cogitate.

    Then there is the excitable sister Palpitate, who is so happy about brother Reinstate coming back to the fold, helped by the elder brother Rehabilitate.

    Ok, this is getting silly now! :-)

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