UPDATE, my reply to a crack-pot JW

by FreeWilly 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FreeWilly

    This is my reply to the JW who began writing me after I posted a comment on the MSN story.

    It's a progression of this thread . Since he called me an "imbecile" I decided not to hold back with him.

    This should get his attention:

    **************************************************************************************************************** Steve, Steve, Steve, Where does one start with you? In my last reply I mentioned a couple of things that obviously rattled your cage. It's apparently difficult for you to admit mistakes when confronted with them, especially when they are reinforced by a dubious religious organization that insists you have "the truth". Many people come to grips with their misconceptions when they enter adulthood, as we can see with you however, this epiphany can be suppressed. I know you've mustered all your abilities while employing your "utmost logic and reasoning". The fact that this "utmost" effort has failed you might be a concern for a normal person. In fact a normal person might take an introspective look at what caused them to be so far from reality. But this is not for you, I'm quite confident. A random Sampling of your "utmost logic and reasoning": Jehovah's Witnesses You first said this: "After all he did that at the flood. He did that when the Israelites entered Canaan. He had the bad people destroyed. He destroyed those who were not Jehovah's Witnesses." You said: No, Jehovah's Witnesses didn't make that book. There were no Jehovah's Witnesses until 1931. You later said: What 125 years history? That is only the modern day revival. The history started in 33 CE and subsided when the apostles died as Jesus predicted in Matt 13 and then was revived in the last days as Jesus predicted. **** It seems you can't decide when "Jehovah's Witnesses" began. At first you refer the Israelites and Noah and his family as "Jehovah's Witnesses" some thousands of years ago. But then you turn around and say there were no "Jehovah's Witnesses" until after 1931. But then you also say that Jehovah's Witnesses are only a "Modern Day revival", "started in 33 CE". Interesting concept. That sure is some powerful logic. Now on to this gem: Screaming Rape "If a women does not scream *while she is being raped,* she is guilty of fornication!! Watchtower 1964 January 15 pp.63-4" Steve, the 'master' of logic and reason, weighs in: "That is true and I agree." **** At least the Watchtower Society had the sense of decency to change this teaching (Awake! 1984 June 8 p.28) You however, you STILL think it's appropriate. Wow Steve, you truly are a freak. Another treat: Alternative Military Service (a classic doctrinal flip-flop for JW's) I said: "People have *died* resisting even "alternative" military service only to have that rule reversed years later." Steve, the 'master' of logic and reason, replies: "That is good as that shows faith and obedience to God. But it was not changed. It said that they could serve their term in the compulsory service in a non-military manner that does not violate neutrality. That did not change." **** Uhm.... yes it did, as you'll soon see. Alternative Service OK:
    "If, therefore we were drafted, and if the government refused to accept our conscientious scruples against warfare ... we should request to be assigned ... to some other non-combatant place of usefulness... " - The Watchtower 1898 July 1 p. 2332 Alternative Service NOT OK: The Witnesses explained that it is not that they are opposed to civil service as such, but rather, it is a matter of strict neutrality. Therefore any work that is merely a substitute for military service would be unacceptable to Jehovah’s Witnesses. - Awake! 1974 December 8 p. 23 Alternative Service OK once again: "What, though, if the State requires a Christian for a period of time to perform civilian service that is a part of national service under a civilian administration? Here again, Christians must make their own decisions based on an informed conscience… Appointed elders and others should fully respect the conscience of the brother and continue to regard him as a Christian in good standing. - The Watchtower 1996 May 1 p. 20.

    **** It looks like that "New light" is flickering. Maybe you guys need a new bulb? Wal-Mart has a sale on those long-lasting fluorescent ones ya know. Organ Transplants Steve Said: "That was not changed. People died getting organ transplants until 1983
    when the drug was made to protect the body from fighting the new organs. So it was
    not safe prior to then as the Watchtower told of it not being safe. They used Biblical
    reasoning and not medical reasoning, but the result was the same that people were saved." Here's what the Watchtower actually said: "No! That would be cannibalism, a practice abhorrent to all civilized people.Jehovah God did not grant permission for humans to try to perpetuate their lives by cannibalistically taking into their bodies human flesh, whether chewed or in the form of whole organs or body parts taken from others.... " - Watchtower 1967 November 15 pp.702-4 Then they reversed it here: [Organ Transplants] are a matter for conscientious decision by each one of Jehovah's Witnesses...there is no Biblical command pointedly forbidding the taking in of other human tissue.- Watchtower 1980 March 15 p.31 **** Sorry Steve, the position HAS changed. And it has nothing to do with you cockamamie idea about some drug treatment. It looks like you've been caught pulling that one out of you ass. Did you "utmost logic and reasoning" produce that one too - or do you have a Watchtower reference to back up your quackery? Now I'm left trying to figure out who are the bigger dumb-asses, you or the Society? And as for those Watchtower Publications where you say "this is not from Jehovah's Witnesses is it?" You're just plain stupid here, so desperate to fend off criticism, that you dispel even your own belief system when conveinient. It's not surprising. After-all this brand of "utmost logic and reasoning" is essential for any respectable crack-pot. Steve: "You wicked and foolish imbecile. How dare you address me with such disrespect!" **** Gee Steve, it sounds like you consider yourself above criticism? What, do you expect "she-bears" to come hunt me down? The Watchtower Society might refer to you as a "glorious one" for joining their cult, however, don't try to take that shit to anyone on the outside, for it's plain for all to see......you my friend, are are delusional. You expect your God to wipe out all of humanity for failing to believe in your zany, flip-floppin', doomsday cult. As illustrated in this email, you are not only ingorant about what you religion teaches, but you fabricate stories when needed. I'm starting to see why the Watchtower Society looks down on education. After-all how can they expect to keep psycho-idiots like yourself "in" if you actually come to learn something? They've turned you into a sad excuse for a human who righteously accepts genocide and has no problem altering reality. I have nothing against fantasy Steve. However, eventually most people wake up. It's been fun Steve. A little creepy, but fun none-the-less.

  • caligirl

    Too funny! Great job with your rebuttal.

  • Odrade

    This is what I wrote him in our last exchange:

    In other words, if it doesn't come straight from the Society, you don't believe it? See, that is why you are brainwashed.
    The UN thing, straight from the UN website:
    And the molestation thing... well there's really nothing I can say to you regarding that, if you choose to believe that we are all liars and the WT Society is innocent. They are not. I love my (former) "brothers and sisters," but I have found so many lies, manipulations and "adjustments" by the Society, that I now believe they are one of the most corrupt religious organizations operating in modern times. Many of the stories are true, and have been confirmed.
    So my real question to you is this: Do you know how to distinguish lies and cover-ups from truth and exposure? And do you even care?
    These are not the only lies the Society has told, and these are not the only lives ruined by their capricious and ever-changing policies regarding blood, alternative service, sex practices between husband and wife, etc.
    The information about the UN and child abuse is not false. But until you realize that, you will remain a slave to a destructive and high-control religion.

    And this is his answer: (bold, mine)

    This pdf just said that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York applied for association with the Dept of Public information in 1991. But that does not say that the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania did or any of the other corporations or that the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses directed anything to that end. It states that it was Ciro Aulicino that was the main rep to the UN from the Watchtower. But he is not on the governing body.
    So it is not I that am brainwashed since I am not reading things into it that are not there.
    I didn't say that you are are liars and the WT Society is innocent. I just asked "why people keep condemning Jehovah's Witnesses with this false information about the UN and child abuse." and I said "Neither are true. Oh, I know you can state stories and refer to web sites, but since you are not concerning me, and mybrothers and sisters, you are not concerning Jehovah's Witnesses."
    Thus I am differentiating between some individuals of this faith who has done bad and all of the others who have not. Thus condemning Jehovah's Witnesses based on that is wrong. The Watchtower Society can be neither innocent or guilty of anything about this.
    The Watchtower Society is not a religious organization. It is a printing company that Jehovah's Witnesses use to print and take care of that. Do you think that because you deified the WT Society that you got the wrong impression on the brothers and sisters?
    Afterall, I do not find fault with adjustments.
    As I said, the fact of those stories being true has no reflection on Jehovah's Witnesses other than those individuals involved.
    I know how to distinguish the actions of some individuals and when they do things that are not in harmony with the Bible from the Christian Congregation as a whole. Apparently you do not. How is it that the actions of some condemn the whole?
    You have not told me any lies that the Society has told.
    No lives have been ruined by any policies. The blood issue has not changed. The command has been to abstain from blood. Alternative service is so that people do not have to go to prison for compulsatory military service when there is no war work to do. That is not ruining lives but the contrary, the governments are the ones ruining lives as the US govenment has killed over 2000 US soldiers in Iraq over a war based on a lie. Nothing has been ruined based on sex between husband and wife as there are no policies there.
    I didn't say that it was false did I? I just asked why people are condemning Jehovah's Witnesses over that? I don't condemnt the Catholic church over the actions of some of their priests.
    I am not a slave to a religion. The one who is a slave is the one who reads negative things in the questions that I ask.
  • Finally-Free

    Hey FreeWilly, how's your blood pressure doing after cooresponding with this dolt? That's why I keep a blood pressure monitor on my desk beside my computer. It's a great indicator to tell me when it's time to give up on certain types of people.


  • Odrade

    btw, by that time I got distracted, so there were no more exchanges, but it looks like a few others have had a little fun with the automaton. He's not very well-informed about his religion, is he?

  • undercover

    This is probably the same nut who emailed my about my post on MSNBC and called me a "dangerous terrorist".


  • FreeWilly

    Odrade, I see you were impressed with his "utmost logic" too. This guy is a real hoot!

    FF, so far my blood pressure is fine. It's hard to take this guy seriously. He's obviously an old-school foot-in-the-door JW. But you're right, this mental masterbation really is a waste of time.

    His reply should be interesting. I'll keep you posted.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    By MSN, Freewilly, did you mean MSNBC?

    Just wondering how this bloke got your email to begin with.

    Odrade - seems like this guy is the same one to me - or cut from the same robotic cloth. Not long ago I wore a coat made with that same textile, so there is always hope.

    UC - I never knew were a dangerous terrorist. Your avatar hides it well.


  • doogie

    i think the same guy was emailing me too! it sure sounds like him. he rejected my last email as spam or something because it came back as undeliverable...

    guess he got tired of playing. (i swear i was playin nice)

  • FreeWilly


    There was a news article on MSN.com that had a story about JW's helping re-roof fellow JW's homes after hurricane Katrina hit. At the bottom of that article it had a comments section. After many JW's starting peeing all over themselves at how righteous they were, I felt compelled to paint the rest of the picture. I left my comments too which required my email address for replies.


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