I just realized that I'm an internet fanatic. I have got to have access. Over the weekend, the broadband company that I used had a "node" out. That node out was the one that I used. I began to have panic attacks and started feening! I quickly ran for the phone line. Once I hooked that up, I realized that it was really slow. So, feeling very put out, I went and ordered DSL. They just delivered the box of equipment today. Now, the node is working again. So here I sit, wondering if I should keep them both; so that I will have back-up if one or the other is not working. I figure I can put the DSL on my computer and leave the broadband on my daughter's computer. I have all of the wireless stuff for the broadband. I made sure that I got the wireless stuff with the DSL (mo' money). Got to stay connected!
Does anyone else out there have more than two types of internet connections? And do you think that you're as bad off as I am?