I just arrived home from visiting my sister in Tennessee and I got to meet her boyfriend's mother. My sister never was baptized and left the JW's as soon as she turned 18. ( this was after I was DFed) She met her boyfriend a couple of years ago in Florida and they just bought a house together in Tennessee. When she first started going with her BF she did not know that his mother was a DFed JW (from like 20+ years ago) . We come from a large family and her BF was trying to get her to tell her why her family is so screwed up and so many don't speak to each other. She never liked telling people that we were raised JW and that our mom and some of our brothers still are. She was becoming close to this BF though so she told him and was suprised to hear that his family were also JW's in the past. (not from the same congergation)
Well, it turns out that one of the elders that DFed me had an interesting connection to their family. His then wife (now ex) had an affair with my sisters BF's father! The BF's parents were thene divorced. I learned of this some time back but just got to meet the BF's mother, G----- for the first time. Turns out that we know A LOT of the same people. The weirdest connection is that her brother had moved to Hazelhurst, Georgia to pioneer while my father-in-law was up there pioneering and being congergation overseer. I only actually found that out today because I told my husband who her brother was and he told me that. I called my sister to get G-----'s phone number so I can tell her too, but she hasn't called back yet. Her brother is also DFed now and I don't know if he realizes that my father-in-law just finished serving time in prison for child molestation.
One more weird thing is that my youngest sister is also in a long time relationship to a man who's mom is DFed and they did not know about each other at first either. His mom also lives in Tennessee. The too families have never met though, well besides the BF's through my sisters.