What would your world be like?
it would be nothing like this one. it would be designed. it would probably be more like a machine, or a computer program, or a video game, than a place of chaos and beauty. the reason why i would say that my world would be designed, is to get rid of suffering. not just for us selfish and short sighted humans, but for all the other selfish and short sighted animals we share this world with. there is suffering, even on a human level, because there is evolution and no god. it's a pretty simple explanation. it could be circumvented with some design. but then, it just wouldn't be the same place. more like a machine.
Would you create creatures, humans?
yes, but not humans. bipedal humans have nothing going for them with the exception of their brains and their hands. apart from that, there are other animals that survive way easier than we do in rough environments, and others that cover ground way more efficiently than us bipedal mammals. spiders, for example, are some of my favorite animals. i would be inspired by insects, no doubt.
Would you have an active role with your creation, be a spectator, experiment?
oh yes! that is fun. and why not? does an artist ever finish a painting? some do. but if you read the interviews with the great ones, most say that they never feel like a painting is done.
i would be a tinkering god, for sure.
What would be your idea of perfection?
i would strive for this world (is all i know), without the suffering. which is a paradox, no doubt! how could there be a world like this without suffering? it's a simple mind who says to simply remove it.
but anyways, i also like the world that princes amadala in star wars comes from.... okay, i guess i just like princes amadalla. i would make a few of her just for me.
oh, and that's another thing, i would live on the planet too. or maybe there wouldn't be a universe, but just a "world" with no boundarys. hmmm, actualy sounds likee a description of our universe.
but ya, i would live right there, and smoking dope would be manditory. i would want all creation to be really agreeable, and mello, and creative, and non confrontational. and it would be so because i made them that way. and dugs would be legal. and no one would have to work. i would give my creations whatever they wanted with a swish of my magic wand. and they could just spend their entire time high if they wanted, and having sex with each other, and me. it would be nice and warm, and everyone could just hang out at the beach all day long if they wanted.
there wouldn't be much of an economy, because i would provide everything for them.
Would you utilize evolution? Voluntary evolution, say if a man wanted to grow wings, give him the ability?
voluntary, no, i would just give them what they wanted. if they wanted wings, then they could all have them if the wanted.
but evolution? ya, i would, but i don't see how it would help, apart from cut some corners on some new models i was tinkering with. it's easy for me to just wave my magic wand than wait for something to evolve.
Would you care if anything acknowledged you?
yes, because if i am giving them all this stuff, and it's pretty obvious that it all comes from me and my magic wand, then ya, i would want acknowledgement. but i would be more of a rock star, or a movie star, than a god. and yet, a god indeed, no doubt, amen.
Or would you be secure enough with your limitless power to not give a rip?
ya, that too.
How would you amuse yourself?
sex, drugs and rock and roll, of course. there wouldn't even be any need for books and university. there wouldn't be a need for any doctrine, because the world is already a perfect place. there wouldn't be any destination. (GASP! - i know, it's hard for you humans to fathom something like that...)
Would you pose unsolvable riddles for humans to watch them bumble around like so many rats in a pit and pindulum?
no, i don't see what this would accomplish apart from just piss people off at me. if a creation wanted a riddle for fun, i would give him one. perhaps just rip one off from The Hobbit.