You're referring to Mitochondrial Eve, and the show is (it sounds like) referring to Y-chromosome Adam. These names are unfortunate, because they mislead about the significance of these two individuals.
Mitochondrial Eve is simply a title for our most recent common female ancestor by matrilineal descent. She was definitely not married to Y-chromosome Adam. Also, depending on where you are in the stream of time, M.E. is a title carried by a different person. For example, when the current M.E. was alive, someone else was M.E.
A good way to understand Mitochondrial Eve is to consider the most recent common female ancestor between you and a cousin on your mother's side. If you think about the family tree, you should see that your most recent common female ancestor by matrilineal descent would be your mother's mother. Further, if you tried to find the most recent MALE ancestor by patrilineal descent, you would most definitely *not* wind up at your grandfather. It would be some other (probably unknown) man way, way back, who was no relation whatsoever to your Mitochondrial Eve. Also,
The concept that all humans alive today have a common female ancestor is an inescapable *logical* conclusion. The discovery of mitochondrial DNA, which is passed only from the mother, and which undergoes very little change from generation to generation, simply allowed us to estimate when the most recent common female ancestor of all humans alive today lived. However, it should be noted that the concept has nothing to do with the Biblical concept of Eve, and it does not imply that she was the "first" human or any such thing. The concept is not at odds in any way with evolution - in fact, it aids us substantially in quantifying branching events. It has also been used to determine the degree of relatedness between humans and Neandertals. (See my article on this topic:
A similar discovery allowed us to trace patrilineal descent and thus calculate when our most recent common male ancestor lived. He lived much more recently, and, of course, had nothing to do with Mito Eve.
Here's a good link about Mito Eve:
Hope that helps!