In the middle of the flippin' night.....

by AK - Jeff 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    and off I go to work.

    My shift begins at 0230. SO the alarm sounds at about 0100. I only work 3 days [usually between 12-15 hours each], but by the time my last day rolls around I have begun to hate gettng up.

    I'm in that mood today..... sorry to rant. So off to work I go soon as I eat my bowl of oatmeal. It is 0150 now....Yuck!


  • theinfamousone

    sorry man, i used to do that too... they paid us alot more tho, just for working the night shift.. maybe its worth it?? prolly not tho...

    the infamous one

  • rebel8

    Ew. My husband does the same thing and even I hate it.

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