Love, Death, Marriage and the Ressurection

by purplesofa 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • purplesofa

    I knew nothing of ressurection until studying the bible as an adult with the witnesses. I thought it was a wonderful thing. It hurts to lose someone you are close to and love. You miss them, you must go on living without them and find a way to do it. The righteous and unrighteous will be resurrected.......ok.........I thought it would only be good ones, the ones resurrected will have a chance to learn about GOD.

    The wages sin pays is all that have died have paid the price of sin and are deserving of in a what does it matter if you are righteous or unrighteous?

    And how fortunate that Adam and Eve are said to not be resurrected. That just pisses me off.

    Obviously they were not perfect as they made a horrible decision that effected the whole rest of mankind.....if you even believe the whole story.

    Do you know anyone or are you affected by the death of someone close and the hope of the ressurection?

    I need help mostly on ones that have lost a mate while married. The marriage tie is broken, that used to make sense until I pondered more on the resurrection. Only because there are couples that love each other, more deeply than I may ever know, that even in the "new system" deserve to be together. But then the bible says the resurrected will not be given in marriage. Why give someone life? only to keep them from what they had together and was taken away by no fault of thier own. Death! Why does the ressurection have to sever that tie too?

    In Christianity, if he found a woman that would marry him for love, friendship and companionship, just for this "system", but was willing to step aside when the love of his life was resurrected, it just would not be allowed to happen.

    I know this is jumbled and not with total focus.......

    ...I find that nothing is really ours.......even people that love us and we love them seem to only be on loan for a short time, as death can take them away from us and Gods laws can keep.

    The only married couples that will be together are the ones that survive Armegeddon! And the single ones waiting for the new system awaiting the "perfect" mate, will have the same people to choose from that are allive now, so why wait? The resurrected ones won't be given in marriage anyway!!!!!!.

    My thoughts of the day.

    Thanks in advance for your comments

    Much love,


  • IP_SEC

    Good points there purpl,

    I've noticed that most witnesses will spout the wt line on this teaching in public but they dont believe it.

  • Leolaia

    How is there any hope of a resurrection, when according to the WTS it is not you who will be raised up from the dead but a perfect clone who will look like you, who will be given all your memories, and who will think he/she is you, but who has no continuity at all with you. Ever watch Invasion of the Body Snatchers? ::shudder::

  • Dune

    I was particularly disturbed when a brother said that people will be ressurected without genitals. I was thinking...WTF man. Where in the bible does it say this?

    and thats a scary thought leolaia

  • luna2

    Without genitals, huh? Guess then Barbie and Ken will be anatomically correct.

  • purplesofa

    I forgot about this..........

    but a perfect clone who will look like you

    Really it will only be a likeness of we are imperfect now and will be resurrected perfect. I am not sure if anyone would recognize me pounds grey hair!!!

    who will be given all your memories, and who will think he/she is you, but who has no continuity at all with you.

    I am trying to remember.........but aren't bad, painful memories supposed to be erased or suppressed or something?


    I think it is conveniently vague.........we are told that in the new system every desire will be fulfilled. Those married ones who lost a mate in death, could actually hold on to that person, never really letting them die based on this.

  • gringojj

    This has never made sense to me. If you have a UBM, how is it paradise if they will be destroyed and wont be with you?

    Ok so jehoba will erase the memories of your UBM. So now your kids are with you. Who is thier father? Nobody knows because the memories have been erased. So will it be paradise for the kids to look at other kids with whole families but they will be denied a parent?

    I dont know I cant even tell you all the problems with paradise.

  • prophecor

    I don't know Purps. Some of us could actually look forward to not having deal with our mates with that degree of closeness, in the future. Seems like a fate worse than death, though. To not be able to procreate, or at least, practise procreation anylonger, forever? Excuse my limited window of reasoning and understanding but it just sounds cruel and inhumane. To no longer allow humans to fulfill those basic fleshly desires.

    Maybe that's the key. We will no longer be of flesh.

    Kinda' difficult to return all those corroded body parts back from the dust of the earth. A lot of the body just flowing back into the earth, being run off into streams lakes and rivers. Then theres the ones who've been cremated. Kinda hard to gather up all those ashes from the wind having blown them everywhere. Then we have those who've died at sea. Make 'em fishfood!!! Purps, you've opened up an uncomfortable can of worms, dear.

    My brain hurts now. I'm going off to read some fluff stuff. To early a Sunday to be dealing with such heavy thought. Maybe Monday.

  • Mary
    there are couples that love each other, more deeply than I may ever know, that even in the "new system" deserve to be together. But then the bible says the resurrected will not be given in marriage.

    If you believe that there will be a physical resurrection here on earth, then to me, there's no reason to assume that they can't get married. The WT's view is that:

    . . .Jesus said to them: "YOU are mistaken, because YOU know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God; for in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven. . .(Matthew 22:29-30)

    Let's give the Borg the benefit of the doubt here and assume that they're doctrine on the resurrection is correct (for arguments sake). The above mentioned scripture is the one they use to support the idea that those who are resurrected can't marry. One small thing wrong with their argument. The scripture says that the will be like the "angels in heaven" where there is "neither male nor female". This obviously isn't the case with flesh and blood humans. Further more, the WTS teaches that the bible, in particular the NT was written with the "little flock" in mind, who will (supposedly) be resurrected as spirit creatures, not flesh and blood creatures. Logically then, the above mentioned scripture would be referring to those who would reign in heavens and be partakers in the First Resurrection, not those who would get a resurrection here on earth.

    Jes' my two cents worth.

  • purplesofa
    Logically then, the above mentioned scripture would be referring to those who would reign in heavens and be partakers in the First Resurrection, not those who would get a resurrection here on earth.

    right................also........Why would God's orginal purpose for humans need to change.........everything is based on the family arrangement........this would take that away.

    It just seems there is so much confusion and unhappiness concerning this ......especially for those that are grieving spouses.

    My mom said the first thing she was going to do to her husband when he was resurrected was slap the SH*T out of him.!!!!!!!!

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