20 min: Making Jehovah Your God. Talk by an elder based on the April 1, 2005 Watchtower, pages 25-8. Make practical application of the lessons we can draw from the examples of Abraham, David and Elijah.
15 min: "Show Personal Interest - By Being Observant." * Include a demonstration of a publisher observing something that reveals the interests of the householder and then adapting his comments accordingly.
Song 67 and concluding prayer.
*Limit introductory comments to less than a minute and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.
20 min: Making Jehovah a God. Talk by an elder based on the April 1, 2005 Watchtower, pages 25-8. Make impractical application of the lessons we can draw from the examples of Abraham (Offer wife as sister for sexual gratification of enemies), David (take another man’s wife and murder her husband.) and Elijah (run and hide in a cave.)
15 min: "Show Peripheral Interest - By Being Observant." * Include a demonstration of a publisher observing something like a big fat cross or statue of the Virgin Mary that reveals the interests of the householder and then adapting his comments about how pagan and God dishonoring the are accordingly.
Song 67 Store Up Treasures in the Bank and concluding prayer.
*Limit introductory comments to less than a 60% of the time allotted and follow with a question-and-answer disruption.