in genesis it says: In the beginning God created the heavens and earth. so there was a 'beginning'. yet people believe that God is in heaven. so where was God before the 'beginning' as he cant have been in heaven.
by lime05 4 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Lime.
I know you'll get a lot of varied answers to your question. I'd just ask you to examine the logic in your opening statement;
in genesis it says: In the beginning God created the heavens and earth. so there was a 'beginning'
Whereabouts in the UK are you?
i always liked runningman's first chapter in The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories on "The Beginning":
To begin, the Bible opens with the phrase “in the beginning”. I am in total agreement
with this. This is one of the two most popular theories on the subject (either the
universe had a beginning or it didn’t), and it happens to be the one that both I and the
Bible favor. Up to this point, I am a big fan of the Bible.
However, it is with the fourth word of the Bible that I take exception, and from that point
on, my viewpoint grows ever more distant. But, after all, what kind of an atheist would I
be, if I granted God even a toehold in this story? In fact, it is my objection to the concept
of God that spawned the entire thesis of this book. If God exists and he has authored a
book, then it should be a pretty good one. There should be no contradictions, errors, or
logical flaws; it should be clear, easy to read, consistent, and accessable; and, it goes
without saying that it should be morally irreprehensible.