Imagine if congregations could be 2 or 3 times bigger....

by JH 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    They wouldn't need as many elders and MS.

    You could miss meetings and not many would notice.

    Brothers and sisters would be less stressed, since they wouldn't be asked to perform as much.

    They would need less Kingdom halls.

    They would need less readers at the book study and Watchtower meeting.

  • delilah
    yes, Jh, just imagine......there'd be 2 or 3 times the bulls$#t going on.....UGH!!!
  • metatron

    Circuit Overseers and other Service Dept people know this. They want book studies to be 15 or so and split congregations down to

    75 or so to make sure everyone is kept busy. It's not an accident.


  • Honesty

    Imagine if congregations could be 2 or 3 times bigger....

    Won't ever happen because.....

    The cult would lose control

  • JH

    The members of the congregation should start a syndicate, so that our demands be met.

  • JH

    I want to be the president of the union of our congregation...

    Now, what can I ask for? when we negociate a new contract...

  • Kaput
    Now, what can I ask for? when we negociate a new contract...

    How about "the truth"?

  • misspeaches

    They would lose the tight control they had on the congreagation. The elders get chastised enough for not shepherding the congregations as it is. They wouldn't even know who is who. It will never happen.

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