Stress-relief; corny but try it

by sass_my_frass 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Hi all, the goods coming from Sir's appraisal of the elders school (great job, btw!) are very upsetting... I know I'm very angry about what the Leaders are being told to do, and I can see it in everybody elses comments too. Just thought I'd try an exercise to bring a bit more joy into our lives at this time....

    What have you achieved since escaping the cult? In spite of the anger, the loneliness and confusion, you must have been able to do something with your new freedom... where has it taken you so far? What do you look forward to now?

    Mine: I've started a marriage that's made me happier than I knew I could be. We're planning our city house and our rural farm. I've also just started that education I didn't get into when I was a pioneering A-student. I look forward to travel plans, improving my snowsports skills, upgrading my motorbike, getting what it takes to move into a more interesting line of work, and seeing what comes after that.

    But enough about me....

  • misspeaches

    I've started trying to paint... It's amatuerish but I really enjoy it.

    I make friends with people at work and hang out with them after work.

    I've started learning Street Latin dancing.

  • onesong

    I've played guitar and sang all along but now I've been able to pursue it more. Going to music camp and playing open mics ect.

    I'm now in a more harmonious relationship.

    I've gotten more involved in volunteer work in my community.

    I get to read everything and anything!

  • bigwilly

    What kind of bike do you ride sass? My wife & I both ride, mine - Yamaha Vstar 1100 Custom, hers - 650 Custom.

    I also brew my own beer (double stress relief points )

    Big Willy (no drinking and riding class)

  • Kaput
    What have you achieved since escaping the cult?

    I've reached nirvana.

    In spite of the anger, the loneliness and confusion, you must have been able to do something with your new freedom... where has it taken you so far?

    I joined the Foreign Legion and right now I'm in Libya.

    What do you look forward to now?
    Watching The Amazing Race and The Apprentice on meeting nights.
  • damselfly

    Not letting myself be trampled on. Asserting my rights. Refusing to be dominated. Getting an education and enjoying learning everything I can.

    Attempting to not let emotional black mail work on me, this is a work in progress

    Most importantly, living my life as a good person because I want to do it, not because I am being bullied into it by emotional threats of disappointing god/family/the org/etc/insert what you like here.

    I say this in my head often ( ok and out loud too! sshhhh! it's a little embarrassing ) "I do enough and I am good enough"


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Trying to reach out to a few people I am getting aquainted with here.

    I look forward to discussions with whomever I see at my local 'coffee' spot, about whatever we find interesting.

    I take a real interest in people I meet now - never just looking for an opening to 'witness' to them.

    I read all kinds of stuff now - whatever hits my fancy.

    Doing Thanxgiving this year, and whatever other holidays we wish to.


  • FMZ

    Reading.... lots of reading


    Simply loving, without the constraints and conditions the dubs put on it. Accepting everyone for who they are.


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