Is The Watchtower Racist and Satanic About College?

by metatron 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Who is the Watchtower's latest campaign against higher education aimed at? Who are most likely to comply with their demands?

    What congregations are presently growing fastest in the U.S.?

    To answer these questions, take a look at what people are most commonly employed in menial jobs in airports, hotels and fast food

    restaurants - Latinos and Africans - crudely put, "persons of color".

    This is also the area in which the Watchtower is experiencing the greatest growth - among these people who are least likely to know

    about the Watchtower's past of prophetic failure and false prophesy. People who are least likely to derive critical information

    about the organization from the internet.

    These people - the people who make your hotel beds, who flip your burgers, who foam your lattes, and haul your baggage are most

    in need of economic advancement but also most easily deceived by empty Watchtower promises.

    A number of established Witnesses are already familiar - and therefore wary - of the Watchtower's deceitful advice about education.

    After all, they may be the generation that the Society conned into skipping college, as this infamous quote shows:

    "If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not?

    Because all the evidence in fufillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years...

    Therefore, as a young person, you will never fufill any career that this system offers." Awake May 22, 1969

    The young Witnesses who got suckered into believing this advice are now struggling to fund their retirement, besides the daily

    burden of keeping up with their credit card payments and mortgages. Think different advice might have helped them?

    Is "Satanic" too strong a word to describe the Watchtower's current campaign of deception? Who was it that tempted Jesus

    by telling him to jump off the temple mount, "don't worry, the angels will catch you".

    If they ridicule saving and investing for retirement, if they condemn getting the best education possible, then what are they suggesting?

    That God is going to miraculously 'bail you out'? Are there yet enough accounts of Witnesses suffering when this didn't happen?

    Let me add one more adjective to describe this current attempt at deceit: brazen. It's the word the Society loves to use when they

    accuse others of "loose conduct" - What better word to describe their repeated, blatant opposition to higher education

    after documented false prophesy on that very subject. Where you and I might slink away in shame after such nonsense,

    they brazenly repeat the harm they've done, without conscience interfering.


  • willyloman

    You're right, as usual. It would be fun to hold a giant judicial committee hearing in Central Park and DF the lot of 'em for loose conduct. There are way more than 2 or 3 witnesses.

  • Dino

    Please give the page number of the article you referred to in the '69 May 22nd Awake.


  • metatron

    I haven't got that handy - but it's above a small comment entitled "Fine Works Are Publicly Manifest"


  • sf

    {{{ Dino!! }}}

    If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. ... Therefore as a young person you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone! --Awake!, May 22, 1969, page 15.


  • TopHat

    AND the WTS have the nerve to was the publishers that misunderstood about 1975 being the end of this system.

  • Scully


    You won't be able to find it unless you have actual bound volumes from 1969. The CD-ROM only goes back as far as 1970 for the Awake! magazine.


    You forgot to mention one other disadvantaged group (particularly among JWs) that benefits from higher education: women. An education can be helpful if a woman is trying to get out of an abusive relationship. She will have a better chance of doing so since she will not feel that she has to stay trapped for financial reasons. She is not as likely to believe that her situation can only be remedied by divine intervention. She is not as likely to think of herself as a second-class citizen compared to a male counterpart, as the WTS would love to shove down her throat. That would make the WTS "sexist" as well. But we knew that already, didn't we.

    It is kind of interesting to me - it seems many of the people that have been helped through school (especially law school) by the WTS though in recent years, have been "persons of colour", and women. Surely it isn't because of any magnanimous gesture by the WTS. I'm betting that they are totally taking advantage of scholarships and incentive programs that are directed toward getting these groups of people a leg up in getting a post-secondary education.

  • sf
    You won't be able to find it unless you have actual bound volumes from 1969. The CD-ROM only goes back as far as 1970 for the Awake! magazine.

    How KON-venient. { slaps knee silly }


  • DannyHaszard

    They exploit minorities and ignorance. WHITE Senile old farts who run the Watchtower Click for analysis Enlightened aristocrats are, as they say, "goat-like"; they're not receptive to the Kingdom Message. In the early 1960s USA about 75% of the publishers were white Anglo Saxons. Today it is about 30% Anglo Saxons, 40% African Americans and 30% Spanish. alt alt alt This is not a racist perspective it's the damned truth. Of the people who died in Jonestown, 75 to 80 percent were black

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