I didn't go to work today because I was under the weather. So, being bored, I started looking through some books and found an old Watchtower book I didn't even realize I had. It was published in 1955, so it's even older than me! Here it is:
I started leafing through it and found that it uses the NWT in many places, but it's the pre-1961 NWT. Cited scriptures using the NWT are shown with NW at the end.
While leafing through it I saw a quoted scripture from Luke 1:76-78, and it used the word "pioneer" in reference to John the Baptist. I was sure I never saw the word "pioneer" in the bible before, so I compared it to the 1961 NWT. (the green one). This one no longer used the word "pioneer".
I checked an interlinear, and it doesn't use the word "pioneer".
It made me wonder why they used the word "pioneer" in the NWT and later dropped it. Was this around the time when they changed the titles from "colporteur" to "pioneer"? Was this insertion an attempt to justify their title for this unscriptural position in the congregation?
One entry found for colporteur.
Main Entry: col·por·teur 
Pronunciation: 'käl-"pOr-t&r, -"por-; "käl-pOr-'t&r, -por-
Function: noun
Etymology: French, alteration of Middle French comporteur, from comporter to bear, peddle
: a peddler of religious books
Is this one more example of the Watchtower Society bastardizing the bible to suit it's own ends?
One entry found for colporteur.
Pronunciation: 'käl-"pOr-t&r, -"por-; "käl-pOr-'t&r, -por-
Function: noun
Etymology: French, alteration of Middle French comporteur, from comporter to bear, peddle
: a peddler of religious books