I am not Jehovah Winess but my oldest dearest friend is. We met in junior high and after we each had maried ended up living in seperate states. Our lives sort of grew apart and after 7 years of no contact, she located me and we have stayed in contact. (We have known each other for 23 years) Over the last year she and I have had complicated lives but we still made sure to contact each other at least every other month or so. I have not heard from her in almost a year and her contact info is no longer current. Some of my contact information has changed too. I do know that she was very faithful to her beliefs. She has used her witnessing to help me through many problems. So I believe no matter what has happened she is still close to the church. Is there any place I can leave my information so that someone in her last known area who maybe knows her could relay that I am looking for her. She lived in San jacinto CA. I looked up Jehovah witness churches in that area but there were none. So maybe she went to a surrounding city for church. Her name is Kari Cotton. My phone number is ********* Please PM or email this person if you have info for her. My email address is [email protected] and [email protected] . I miss her so much and would appreciate any help that anyone can provide. It may just be a simple case of us both changing phone numbers and email addresses. Sorry to edit out your phone number but it is never wise to post personal numbers on the internet
Can anyone find her?
by christine1966 9 Replies latest jw friends
Allow google to be your best friend:
Epinions.com - KariCotton's profile
Member:, Kari Cotton. Epinions.com ID:, KariCotton. Location:, San Jacinto, CA.
Member Since:, Jan 20 '00. Favorite Websites:, http://www.fitnesslink.com ...
www.epinions.com/user-karicotton - 26k - Cached - Similar pagesCompare Prices and Read Reviews on 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix at ...
Member:Kari Cotton Location: San Jacinto, CA Reviews written: 8 Trusted by: 12
members. View all reviews by KariCotton ยท View KariCotton's profile ...
www.epinions.com/auto-review-7A97-D3031A-388772AB-bd1 - 64k - Cached - Similar pagessKally
Please be VERY careful about giving out your phone number over the Internet.
~dup~ -
That was very quick! Unfortunately it is an inactive acount and so are most of her contacts that it shows. I think you are very kind for trying. I will keep trying. The phone number I gave will only be active for 4 more days. The email addresses will remain. I have moved and will be getting a new one. Thank you again. Hopefully someone knows her or her family and can let her know I am looking.
The Chuckler
She ever write short stories about mental problems:
http://www.brainevent.com/be/Writing/gallery/stories/20030722/index_html -
This is not really to find someone bud. Sorry to say, but sometimes in life, people dissappear.
Googling is always a good shot - do you know if she sold real estate? If so, this is your gal. She lives in Hemet, right next to San Jacinto!
Thank You so much for that link. That is the Kari I was looking for. We both just lost each others info and couldn't find each other. What did you use for your search? I have done a ton of searches and only found old info. All I can tell you is Thank You. You had no reason to use your time to help me but you did. Thanks again and I hope people are as kind to you as you are to them.
I just signed on after a week of being off. Used www.google.com - typed her name and San Jacinto and found a Kari living in Hemet. Went to a map of California and found that Hemet was next to San Jacinto. So I figured it was her...