Education Public Talk

by ackack 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ackack

    Has anyone seen the education public talk? I have the outline over here, but its a talk that i'm sure will now have to undergo some serious modification. The talk itself (imho) was far more balanced than the current line from the watchtower.

    Has that happened before, that a talk has to be pulled or reworked?

    If enough people are interested, I'll scan the outline. (Need to find a scanner first)

    Its also the last talk I gave before when I left my wife (and cong, and org). I gave the talk, and packed that afternoon. So it has a special place in my heart :)


  • jwfacts

    They do update the outlines. It would be interesting to see the one you have.
    I was amused by your statement that you packed the afternoon after your talk. I would love to know what was going through your mind giving the talk if you already knew you were out of there.

  • ozziepost

    i understand that Public Talks and watchtowers come from different sources.

    It's long been known that the Service Department under Jarasz sent out letters to BOE contradicting the Watchtower study artcle on education at the very same time.

    It's all to satisfy political considerations i.e. to ensure that the public face of the WT is as non-contraversial as possible.

    Did someone mention 'hypocrites'?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Did someone mention 'hypocrites'?

    Not that I noticed, but it seems to fit them to a t.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I specifically remember a circuit assembly in the spring of 1994 where they mentioned the article several months earlier that had lightened up on the matter of education. They stated that some had interpreted it to mean that the Society was encouraging higher education. They stated that was not the case and that the only reason one would get any education beyond high school is if it would improve their skills so they could do more in Jehovah's service. The goals of our young people should be pioneering and Bethel service. An example of how the Service Department and the Writing Department are at odds.

    My husband and I were studying with a couple who attended that assembly with us. They were both college educated, the man was an attorney, and a very fine person. Afterwards, he made a comment that he did not agree with what he heard and he completely lost interest in studying or attending any more meetings. Interesting how our organization drives away quality people!


  • dannyboy

    FWIW, yes Public Talk Outlines are "updated" from time to time.

    Also, they issue "adjustments" to the wording of specific sentences (sometimes to correct an obvious typo in the outline, but sometimes to delete or change a particular point).

    So, yep, if a tougher line on higher education is being taken up (again), they could adjust or just stop delivering Public Talk(s) that didn't jive with the new tack.


  • jeeprube
    Interesting how our organization drives away quality people!

    And then they turn around and use that to prove the dangers of higher education. See, we told you brothers this lawyer (sarcastic inflection) doesn't want to join up. That's because his mind has been poisoned in that devil school he went to.

  • BluesBrother

    I looked through my list of 116 talk outlines, dated in the '90's , and I cannot see one with "education" in the title. Mind you, there are several titles that would lend themselves to that subject.

    Regarding updates, yes there are occasional official updates from the Society, but any decent speaker will keep the material adjusted as time goes by. I recall amending some outlines when something had been printed . eg the generation of 1914 , as revised , caused a re writing of my talk notes. Also I just wanted to change it a bit for my own satisfaction

    I have also given talks and conducted WT studies in full knowledge that it was nonsense and being determined to go . But you cannot always just walk away imediately . It was necessary to lay the groundwork of "Spiritually struggling" so I could resign without too many questions being asked.

  • ackack

    I posted the outline in a new thread. :)


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