Iyad Allawi, the man who has made claims about how things are as bad or worse in Iraq now as they were under Saddam Hussein, is a memebr of the group who provided intelligence about WOMD to MI6 before the war.
As it is now claimed by many that these so called WOMD never existed, his being involved with the intelligence community prior to the war, and claiming that such weapons existed, must therefore imply his ulterior motives to his latest claims.
Claims which I believe should examined very carefully.
After all, if WOMD never existed, and he claimed they did, what was his motive for saying so, and what are his motives now?
Iyad Allawi
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Jump to: navigation, searchDr. Iyad Allawi (Arabic: ???? ????? ) (born 1945) is an Iraqi politician, and was the interim Prime Minister of Iraq prior to Iraq's 2005 legislative elections. A prominent Iraqi-British neurosurgeon and Iraqi exile political activist, the politically secular Shia Muslim became a member of the Iraq Interim Governing Council, which was established by U.S.-led coalition authorities following the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He became Iraq's first head of government since Saddam Hussein when the council dissolved on June 1, 2004 and named him Prime Minister of the Iraqi Interim Government. His term as Prime Minister ended on April 7, 2005, after the selection of Islamic Dawa Party leader Ibrahim al-Jaafari by the newly-elected transitional Iraqi National Assembly.
He continues to lead his Iraqi National Accord's party in the new Assembly, though its support was weak during legislative elections, and only polled 14 per cent of the vote.
A former Ba'athist, Allawi set up the Iraqi National Accord, which carried out bombings in Saddam Hussein's Iraq and is today an active political party. In the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq the INA provided intelligence about alleged weapons of mass destruction to MI6. Allawi has lived about half of his life in the UK and retains British citizenship. His wife and children still live in Britain for their security. He survived an assassination attempt on 20th of April 2005.
Allawi's name is sometimes rendered as Ayad Allawi.