Perhaps some of you will be interested to know that I sent my review of this documentary [that I posted in an earlier thread] to the Friedman son (Jesse, who is out of jail now) and this is his response:
Dear Donald, Jai Ma. I’m sorry it has taken me so long to reply to your e-mail. I've been overwhelmed the past few weeks. My girlfriend and I are doing the official "moving in together" and as you can imagine there is much to do, packing, and unpacking, as well as anxiety what with such a big life-change for both of us. Otherwise...
Thank you so much for writing. The expressions of support are most sincerely appreciated. For too many years people said the most horrible things about me and to me. Each and every expression of support helps heal, if only just a tiny bit, some of the hurt and pain. So, thank you for writing. I am glad you had the opportunity to see Capturing the Friedmans.
Thanks for sharing with me about your review. I've read more Capturing the Friedmans reviews than (I'm sure) anyone else alive. :-D
As you know my core supporters are trying to raise funds to continue paying for my legal bills. It is wonderful that the National Center for Reason and Justice is sponsoring my defense fund.
I am hopeful about the future, but then I've always been hopeful about the future. My life is by far "fixed" or made whole. It was not an easy journey but it was a rewarding one. There are still a great many weights I am forced to carry. From where I am sitting the view from my window is much nicer today than it was three years ago, so I try not to complain that much. I am trying to learn how to be happy for the first time in my life. I try staying focused on that, and not let life because too oppressive. Thanks for your support.
Something to consider: Remember, there are two million people behind bars on any given day in this country. The vast majority of those people are dejected, rejected, and forgotten. When people write to me, I always trying to encourage them in response, to consider those much less fortunate than myself, and consider writing to someone in prison. This is a Website with links to prisoners who are deserving of support. I consider it an act of kindness toward me from those who take that extra step and do something nice for someone else.
Feel free to stay in touch. Fondly, Jesse Then I asked: 'does a firm perswation that a thing is so, make it so?' -- William Blake If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain 'move' and it will move - Matthew 17:20 -------------------- Donald D'Haene