
by Norm 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Norm

    We know that the above word has become one of the most used ones in the Brooklyn vocabulary the last decade. Almost everything in the Watchtower organization has been “simplified”.

    Here is a very good idea for further simplifying. This one is for free for you boys in the Service Department. As we know only about 25% of the WT literature reach the actual public, the rest is gathering dust in JW cupboards and closets or end up in the garbage.

    Here is the solution. The WT Society continues to print the same number of magazines and such as before because it looks very impressive. The various congregations just keep ordering the same number of literature, as before, but instead of receiving all of it they should get only 25% of the ordered number. The Society, congregation and the individual publisher will save a lot of time and effort that way. What should be done with the other 75%? Well, it here the simplifying comes in. The Society can make a deal with the local waste disposal authorities or a recycling plant and haul the remaining 75% of the literature straight from printing to the waste disposal or recycling plant, that way they save an enormous amount of time and labour.

    After all this simplifying would also get the literature straight where it belong in the first place. In time this process can be developed to the point where the WTS ship 100% of what they print straight to the garbage dump, and the publishers could just pay for it. Great idea, eh Ted?


  • jayhawk1

    Norm, I like the way you think.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • Francois

    Norm, that's brilliant. And I think it could be developed even further. The process could start with the tree harvesters. Who would be paid for cutting the trees, but not actually cutting them.

    The truckers would be paid for not delivering them.

    The paper mill would be paid for not making the paper.

    The WT society, as you say, could be paid for not shipping them.

    The Post Office could be paid for not delivering them.

    In the end, the publishers would have to take it in the end, but that's where they're getting it now anyway. Just pay up for nothing. Bingo. Publishers could turn in time for not going out to sell this shit.

    And look at all the labor being saved. We already do this by paying farmers not to plant crops!!

    It's just a marvelous idea, Norm, and I'm with you all the way on this.


  • Ranchette

    That's a funny idea Norm.
    I could have saved a trip to the dump myself a couple of months ago if that simplification had been in effect.Darn!
    I cleaned out my coat closet and got rid of a very large box of magazines. That is after they sat out in a thunderstorm first.
    They always preached simplification but kept heaping the burdons on us!
    My life gets simpler every day!I feel free at last!

    p.s. Hi Norm! It was a pleasure talking with you yesterday.

  • riz

    Hi Norm

    Speaking of simplification,

    Have you looked at a JW calendar lately? Notice that every Saturday of every week of every month is now called, get this, Magazine Day.

    Talk about simple. Now JW's won't have to think of something to do on Saturday because now Saturdays are for placing magazines. LOL.

    Hey, what do you know? Today is Saturday. I hope you are all having a great Satu... er, Magazine Day.


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