This whole subject has been so twisted by the WTS.
Jesus says IF that slave says the master is delaying.
or : if THAT evil slave says.
The WT uses the latter wording to imply that it is some other religious group who is the evil slave.
Jesus is actually talking about the spiritual propriety of those claiming to be his slave, not those who fall away.
Since the reinterpretation of the sheep and goats parable this is all very irrelevant to WT doctrine. ( the GB ain't noticed yet - maybe when they are in dry adult diapers....) The master appoints the slave when he " arrives". So the slave ain't been appointed yet.
SO - if they say He arrived in 1919, why are they still celebrating the memorial ( to declare the Lord "UNTIL HE ARRIVES.") Because the one s at the top know this and wnat at least to die in comfort, unlike those who sacrificed FOR WHAT ???
HB ( of the "Humble those Bastads" class )