"Should We Continue To Be What We Are?"

by Ingenuous 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ingenuous

    MANY persons seem to think that they should continue to be what they are, at least as far as religion is concerned. They will tell you that their parents and grandparents belonged to a certain religion, and they see no reason for making a change....

    In many of the ordinary matters of life we make changes. For example, now that you are an adult, you do not accept every idea expressed by older persons with the same faith as when you were a young child. When they make statements today, you probably weigh in your mind the accuracy of their statements, and you choose to agree or disagree. Continually you gain more knowledge and experience, and so you are better equipped to reach conclusions that are based on facts. In school you doubtless learned things that were not known when your grandparents went to school. If the information is accurate, then you would not want to ignore it and cling to the idea taught to a previous generation....

    Even in the field of religion there are reasons for at least considering a change in viewpoint. Many persons are the product of a religious organization that took them in hand at infancy, shielded them carefully from any teaching other than its own, and prescribed exactly what they must believe. They were indoctrinated, as were their parents and grandparents, in a set of age-old traditions.

    But now, an educated, awakened population is asking searching questions about church traditions, creeds, dogmas and rituals, and the answers are not always satisfactory....

    Naturally, intelligent persons begin to wonder how many other religious teachings of their church can really stand up to a thorough examination with the help of the Bible. Would it be reasonable to shun any investigation of this kind, for fear that other awkward questions might arise, that one might discover more reasons for making a change in religious viewpoint? Surely such would not be the course of wisdom. The Christian apostle Paul recommended to fellow worshipers: "Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine."—1 Thess. 5:21.

    When Jesus ministered among the Jews nineteen hundred years ago, most of them trusted in the fact that their religion had originated with God. They did not bother to check on the traditional teachings of their rabbis and compare them with the writings of Moses and the prophets. They could not see the need for them to make any change. With what result? Most of them perished or went into slavery when the pagan Romans overran and destroyed their nation.

    On the other hand, a small remnant of the Jews heeded the message of Jesus and his disciples. They diligently compared his words with their own holy writings and found them to be true. So, when devastation came upon their land, upon Jerusalem and its temple, they were already safe beyond the borders of Judea, having heeded the warning of Jesus to flee at the appointed time. (Luke 21:20-24) They did not foolishly insist on remaining what they were—devotees of a God-given system of religion that had deteriorated to the point of being rejected by God.—Matt. 23:37, 38....

    With the lessons of history before you, there is no need for you to fall into the same error. You can at least pay attention and investigate.

    In order to have God’s approval and blessing one must ‘keep testing whether one is in the faith.’ (2 Cor. 13:5) And that does not mean comparing one’s conduct with what is required of one by some religious organization. It means comparing one’s conduct with what the Bible clearly states to be the will of God. It is the Bible that can set all matters straight and assure you about your standing with God.—2 Tim. 3:16, 17....

    If, in your present religious association, there is no encouragement to make a regular, progressive study of the Bible, why continue as you are? Why not make a change?...

    Watchtower 1970 6/15 p. 359 - "Should We Continue to Be What We Are?"

    ... Right or wrong, it is my religion! Is that the way you feel? If so, you are certainly a loyal person. But to whom do you owe the greater loyalty—to your church, or to God? With so much disbelief rife throughout the earth, you are to be commended for maintaining your faith, but where should your faith be placed—in a religious organization, or in God?...

    The "second man" mentioned in the Nouvel Observateur represents those Catholics and Protestants who stay with their church because they do not know where else to go. They have been taught that their church represents God, and they do not want to turn away from him. They disapprove of many church practices or doctrines, but they hope to reform their church from within...

    What example did Paul himself set? As a Pharisee and prominent member of the Jews’ religion, he had persecuted the true church of God. He wrote: "I persecuted the church of God . . . , being more abundantly zealous for the traditions of my fathers." (Gal. 1:13, 14, Dy) Did Paul remain within the traditional church, the Jews’ religion, and attempt to reform it from the inside? No!...

    Watchtower 1970 1/15 p. 37 - "Which Comes First—Your Church or God?"

  • ozziepost

    And.....we're all in suspense!

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    If you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses the answer is no!

  • Honesty

    Too bad the dubs apply this to every other person and religion except their own.

    If they did, do you really think many of them would be brave enough to leave the cult?

  • Finally-Free

    I'd like to lose a few pounds.


  • Ingenuous
    And.....we're all in suspense!

    Sorry, Ozzie! That's what I get for trying to be accurate - there's more to the article, but nothing but a segue into "and you can have it all if you just join us!"

    I just had to post, as the obvious hypocrisy was killing me.

  • outoftheorg

    I have been in constant change almost all of my life.

    As I grow older I see things on a different perspective.

    As I learn history and lots of other pieces of information I react to this and adapt to my new found knowledge.

    As I experience things in life that I never thought would happen, I learn and adapt.

    This is why it is so important that we do research and certify that what we are being told or taught is actually true and not just a belief.

    I could not have survived leaving the wbts and their (beliefs not truths), that I was taught as a child If I did not make some large and some small adaptations.

    In my self.


  • existentialist

    Rom 14:5b (NIV) "Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind."

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