The whole idea of disfellowshipping someone from the congregation has always been a source of contention with me. Maybe it's because they disfellowshipped my husband a month before we got married for something totally lame (I would go into it but then it would give my identity away). Just trust me when I tell you that it was only done out of jealousy. Almost every one of his brothers and sisters have been disfellowshipped at least once, and all had gone forward with their wrongdoing. So much for repentance. But that's another story.
I have known several (non-family) that have been disfellowshipped that have gone forward with their wrongdoing and the elders decided they were not repentant, so they had to be df'd. In that case, this is what happens.
The df'd one believes that it is Jehovah's organization so they go along with it to show their loyalty to Jehovah and "accept discipline." So, for the next year or so, they are cut off from their witness friends and family, meaning no association. If they were to associate with non-witnesses they would then be considered un-repentant and would never be reinstated. So basically, they cannot associate with anyone, thereby isolating themselves from everyone. Something is genuinely wrong with this.
Now, the flip side of this is: someone commits a sin and is not repentant. More than likely, they are not going to continue to seek out those in the congregation for association, thus disfellowshipping themselves. But even should they want to continue, shouldn't it be up to the individual publishers to make that decision of associating with that one or not? If some guy is out running around on his wife, stealing, or whatever, I probably wouldn't care to hang out with him. Give me credit for having a brain and choosing to associate or not associate with those who perhaps are bad association.
Thanks for letting me vent.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero