Would stones need a central organization? A Governing Body? Someone to report their field activity to?
Just thought it was an interesting line of reasoning.
by AuldSoul 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Would stones need a central organization? A Governing Body? Someone to report their field activity to?
Just thought it was an interesting line of reasoning.
What I know is that people acceptable to God have always existed --since Able and before the formation of the nation of Israel (I can't name every single one in chronological order.) So, it is possible to be in good standing with God without belonging to a "group." Also, the Ethiopian Eunuch was clearly non-Jewish and not a member of God's then "chosen people" yet he was spoken of well in the Greek Scriptures. Just some thoughts.
Yep. I noticed in the Worldwide Security book they say Moses wasn't the mediator of a covenant for the whole world, but only for the fleshly descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Just like Jesus wasn't a mediator for the whole world, but only for the 144,000.
But the Ethiopian Eunuch, the vast mixed company out of Egypt, and even Moses' wife weren't descendants of Abraham. The covenant applied to them and anyone else who became a proselyte. Funny how they ignore the parts that don't support their arguments.
Yep. I noticed in the Worldwide Security book they say Moses wasn't the mediator of a covenant for the whole world, but only for the fleshly descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Just like Jesus wasn't a mediator for the whole world, but only for the 144,000.
But the Ethiopian Eunuch, the vast mixed company out of Egypt, and even Moses' wife weren't descendants of Abraham. The covenant applied to them and anyone else who became a proselyte. Funny how they ignore the parts that don't support their arguments.
AuldSoul The bible does say that Jehovah made that Covenant with the Nation of Isreal, that is pretty clear. For the rest of the people, as you mentioned could benefit from that same covenant by obeying its guidelines. D.
"The bible does say that Jehovah made that Covenant with the Nation of Isreal, that is pretty clear. For the rest of the people, as you mentioned could benefit from that same covenant by obeying its guidelines.
Yes, the guidelines of the covenant set out by God, not guidelines added on to the covenant by Moses.
This Bible Scripture from Romans Chapter Two.....
2: 14,15 For when the Gentiles without the law have a natural desire to do the things of the law, they are a law to themselves; Because the work of the law is seen in their hearts, their sense of right and wrong giving witness to it, while their minds are at one time judging them and at another giving them approval.
.....Is the opposite of this “Watchtower Publication Scripture”
From “You Can live Forever” Book (1982, 1990) p.255 ***
Do not conclude that there are different roads, or ways, that you can follow to gain life in God's new system. There is only one. There was just one ark that survived the Flood, not a number of boats. And there will be only one organization—God's visible organization — that will survive the fast-approaching "great tribulation." It is simply not true that all religions lead to the same goal... You must be part of Jehovah's organization, doing God's will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life...
[Emphasis Added]
There is yet to be found a Biblical reference that states you must be part of their organization.
Would stones need a central organization? A Governing Body? Someone to report their field activity to?
Yes and no. Some thoughts to consider.
Jesus was riding into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. His followers were hailing him as king.
Pharisees and leaders were afraid of Romans, that the status quo would be disturbed.
They tell Jesus to cool it, and to tell the crowd to shut up.
Jesus said no, if he told them to be quiet, stones would cry out.
Did he mean that the pebbles and stones would suddenly start miracously singing and dancing in the streets? No I don't think so. He was figureatively saying that an incidence would occur involving stones, the the crying out would be from the ones throwing them. If the boisterous crowd stopped their jubilation, violence would occur from opposing sources. Think of many demonstrations in our day where the police and authorities cannot act because because of the crowds. (think France in past month)
It is said in other texts that the leaders of Jerusalem, were afraid to take Jesus in broad daylight for fear of the crowds. They did it in the darkness. (No street lights in those days). The opposing crowd show up before Pontius Pilate. No doubt organized by the governing body.
Was field service reports filled out. Consider the stoning of Stephen. His bloody garments were brought and laid at the feet of Saul of Tarsus.
Yeah, definitely, organization and field service reports would be made.
The bible does say that Jehovah made that Covenant with the Nation of Isreal, that is pretty clear. For the rest of the people, as you mentioned could benefit from that same covenant by obeying its guidelines.
DefD, the Bible says proselytes were to be viewed as Israelites. The vast mixed company of Egyptians did not descend from Abraham. They "married into" it. They were blessed with the SAME reward as the Israelites.
lol... I wonder if an elder every tried to fuss at a JW for not going out in field service enough and had the JW respond: "I'm tired, let the stones go door-to-door!"
The WTS tries to scare JWs into going door-to-door by telling them they will be "blood guilty" if they did not. I wonder if all of the silent stones are "blood guilty" too?