Have you noticed that god's name seems to be getting shorter and shorter in magazines and in witness talk?? It went from grand titles like "The heavenly merciful sassified one" To "Jehovah god" and now "Jah" It's jah this and jah that. It's like the witnesses have been taken over by rastafarians. What's goin on???
by Naeblis 7 Replies latest jw friends
individuals wife
Saves money on printing costs perhaps?
They've been dong a lot of surfin on the net and on these sites. They see us use that name freely, being his name, and they need something they call "food at the proper time." (Psalms 68:4 in THEIR bible) Notice all the final chapters of the book of Psalms.
You don't think they come up with "stuff" on their own.
Anything so-called 'new' is regurgetated (sp?) and the other stuff is to keep folks up to speed with the exposure through the media, internet, television, legal departments etc...
Preparing them like THEY came up with it....."Now friends....be prepared for outward and subtle attacks from apostates ALL AROUND THE WORLD. They don't like the fact that we expelled them for speaking truth. So don't be surprised at some of the NEW objections you find out in the ministry."
Blah blah blah.....
Just venting
************It's jah this and jah that. It's like the witnesses have been taken over by rastafarians. What's goin on???************
Rastafarians pronounce my Father's name as Jah, with a 'hard' J. In truth, however, although spelled with a "J", the "J" is the Hebrew letter 'yodh' and is pronounced like a "Y". Thus, the true pronunciation of my Father's name... is "Yah". As in "Hallelu-Jah".
Peace to you.
A slave of Christ,
Naeblis: Very funny!
I think that they realise the recent debate over the pronunciation of God's name and are perhaps disassociating themselves from the 'Jehovah' rendering of YHWH. Jah (when pronounced 'Yah') is a a lot closer to the original hebrew pronunciation.
Maybe it will be 'Jah's Witnesses'....!?
Dream on
I have always thought that it was disrespectful to call older people by their first names......maybe we should not call God by hisfirst name, after all, he is our father!
Uh, Vitamin, dear... may you have peace...
And may I say that UNLESS you have been chosen by, anointed with, and received the promised holy spirit, you are not YET a 'son'? Indeed, the INVITATION goes out to ALL... who 'hear' to BECOME 'sons'... but not all 'hear' and not all... respond. As it is recorded, "Many are invited... few... are chosen."
If you HAVE received such spirit, then, in Truth, my Father IS your Father... and thus we call HIM 'Father'... or 'Abi' (Abba). Alternatively, His name is JAH... 'of Armies'.
Again, I bid you peace, and I am,
Your servant and a slave of Christ,