Does anyone know?
I hope everything is ok!
Jordan drop us a line!
by Legolas 9 Replies latest jw friends
Does anyone know?
I hope everything is ok!
Jordan drop us a line!
LOL Balls I was waiting for someone to post something like that!
That was a good one!
Hey, just got a headsup about this thread(Thanks CHL), I'm good thanks for asking legolas. I haven't had much of a chance to get on here recently, I've been swamped with assignment work, and I've been hanging out on Thomschat alot. I'm hopefully going to get chance to check in here more frequently when all these deadlines have passed...
(I'm actually really touched that you went to the effort of making a thread asking about me legolas, thank you)
Hope you guys are all doing well...
And Ballistic, I never realised my country was such a cool shape... (Yes, I said my country, as in one day I shall be ruler)
LOL...I am just glad that eveything is ok!
I will have to visit 'your' country some day!
So will I, I hear my people are getting restless...
why we like her? | ||
During her foray into show business, Katie Price, a.k.a. Jordan, has proven once again that the right physical dimensions and an unabashed willingness to flaunt, tease and strip for the camera are all that's required to achieve fame and fortune.
why is she famous? | ||
Following in the footsteps of other aspirant British girls determined not to let a lack of talent impede the way to stardom, Jordan rose to fame in 1996, after being featured on the infamous Page 3 in the London-based Sun newspaper. She has since become a staple of British tabloids, only now she makes headlines rather than simply posing next to them.
And Ballistic, I never realised my country was such a cool shape... (Yes, I said my country, as in one day I shall be ruler)
Did you know the F117 Stealth Bomber was based on the shape of your country so that it would get Arab support? And will you be a 12" ruler?
Yeah, I had the name waaay before Katie F-ing Price had it!