Hello! I have been an-x-FOREVER jw since about 4 1/2 years ago. I wonder if I know anyone on here! Anywhoo, I have found this book that has BLOWN my mind away! I really think those watchtower writers MUST know by now that they DO NOT have the TRUTH!!!!!! Here is the link to the book. It is FREE for ALL to read... http://jahtruth.co.uk/twh.pdf
the REAL truth!
by mellisamouse 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Maybe it's just me, but I'm having a problem taking anyone seriously who refers to him/herself as JAH.
Hey - could this be Brown Boy, EliJah, Eleuse? The verbiage on the website seems very familiar....
JEDIS? And we are all Ewoks! No? We are incarnated Demon? We're the opposite of the JEDIS? So, if we are SITHS, where the f*ck's my lightsaber?