You Get OodLes Of Help Citing Your Scriptures Properly a tale of Reverse Psychology
You Get OodLes Of Help Citing Your Scriptures Properly
by Deleted 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
it didn't post. I'll try again. If not oh well. Have a happy holiday season.
You Get OodLes Of Help Citing Your Scriptures Properly a tale of Reverse Psychology
When a member leaves a close-knit religious order, like The Truth, his former friends have no choice than to shun him. If he was in the right he wouldn’t have left. He knew what he was getting into and there was a code of conduct he didn’t keep. It was his fault.
And now that he’s left, and has no friends, a crappy job and no future he is disgruntled and hangs out with whiners like himself. Often there’s internet sites and chat rooms. Or even meetings in pubs to complain together on Oh, how rotten brother so-and-so was, and even blaming the Society. Like it’s their fault his daughter smoked cigarettes and cried at the judicial committee meeting! Those brothers at
Well that's worse, only the first few lines. It was supposed to be satyrical. Oh well. Email me if you want a copy.