Hello Everyone
Well I've been away for a while, lot of stuff to sort out in my life. So anyway I've been takeing the info from this site and all the other apostate related sites (ha ha) and haveing some debates with my family, They don't know anything I'm talking about and realy got the brain washed replys youd expect. And to prove a point, I'm now deceptively after 14 years in exile studing with an elder....to challenge him, and unknown to him I want some satisfaction for what they did to me. Apearntly he's well versed in the scriptures because I told him I wouldn't study the Control Tower stuff, He met the challenge.
Now I don't know how to combat him I havent looked at a bible in over 14 years I forgot half the crap they preach, but I'm still very bitter at the way they tore my family apart and what they said would become of me if I went to the word and became worldly.
I was wondering if any one knowledgeable would be able to arm me with some good points to challenge, I don't want to be too nasty yet I want to let this elder get comfortabe first and then start with difficut questions for him, and then release some HELL for em.
Thanks for any help or suggestions