Update: Jan 15 WT "Do Not Allow Place For The Devil" - warnings on apostasy

by truthseeker 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Hi all, last time I posted this topic, it was copied from E-Watchman's site, I cannot take credit for that article.

    However, I have the Jan 15 WT now, and here are the rest of the paragraphs.


    1st study article. Some of the phrases here are particularly jaw-dropping.

    Do Not Imitate The Great Slanderer

    p4 "The wicked one" deserves to be called the Devil, for he is a slanderer. Slander is a false, malicious, and defamatory

    statement about someone. God commanded Adam: "As for the tree of knowledge of good and bad you must not eat

    from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die." Eve had been informed of this, but through a serpent, the

    Devil told her: "You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound

    to be opened and you are bound to be like God knowing good and bad." That was malicious slander against Jehovah God!

    p5 The Israelites were commanded: "You must not go around among your people for the sake of slandering." (Leviticus 19"16)

    The apostle John stated concerning a slanderer in his day: "I wrote something to the congregation, but Diotrephes, who likes to

    have the first place among them, does not receive anything from us with respect. That is why, if I come, I will call to remembrance

    his works which he goes on doing, chattering about us wicked words." (3 John 9, 10) Diotrephes was slandering John and

    deserved to be called to account for it. What loyal Christian would want to be like Diotrephes and imitate Satan, the great slanderer?

    Stand Firm Against The Chief Liar

    p10 The Devil is a liar. "When he speaks the lie," says Jesus, "he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and

    the father of the lie." (John 8:44) Satan lied to Eve, whereas Jesus came into the world to bear witness to the truth. If we are able to

    stand firm against the Devil as followers of Christ, we cannot resort to lies and deception. We must speak "truthfully." (Zechariah 8:16;

    Ephesians 4:25) "Jehovah the God of truth" blesses only his truthful Witnesses. The wicked have no right to represent him. - Psalm

    31:5; 50:16; Isaish 43:10

    I cannot believe they have the audacity to say that "Jehovah blesses only his truthful Witnesses" - What a jaw dropping statement. I guess that's why they have minimal growth.

    And yes, the wicked GB have no right to represent "Jehovah, the God of truth". Notice how they capitalize the W in Witnesses.

    Resist the Foremost Apostate

    p 12 The spirit creature who became the Devil was once in the truth. But "he did not stand fast in the truth," said Jesus, "because truth is not

    in him." This foremost apostate has pursued a relentless course of resistance to "the God of truth." Some first century Christians fell into the

    "snare of the Devil," apparently becoming his victims because of being misled and deviating from the truth. So Paul urged his coworker Timothy

    to instruct them with mildness so that they might recover spiritually and get free from Satan's snare. Of course, it is much better to cling firmly

    to the truth and not be ensnared by apostate views in the first place.

    p 13 Because of listening to the Devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized. So, then, should we listen to apostates, read

    their literature, or examine their Web sites on the Internet? If we love God and the truth, we will not do so. We should not allow apostates into

    our homes or even greet them, for such actions would make us 'sharers in their wicked works.' May we never succumb to the Devil's wiles by

    abandoning the Christian "path of truth" to follow false teachers who seek to "introduce ruinous ideologies" and try to "exploit us with well-

    turned phrases.'

    My answer to them is this:

    You Have No Power Over Me

  • tetrapod.sapien
    "You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound

    to be opened and you are bound to be like God knowing good and bad." That was malicious slander against Jehovah God!

    LMAO! ah, that's funny...

    man, they have some messed up paradigms...


  • Axelspeed
    "Jehovah the God of truth" blesses only his truthful Witnesses. The wicked have no right to represent him.

    This seems to suggest that they believe there are some un-truthful witnesses lurking among the ranks, who have no business calling themselves JWs. ;)


  • undercover
    p4 "The wicked one" deserves to be called the Devil, for he is a slanderer. Slander is a false, malicious, and defamatory statement about someone. God commanded Adam: "As for the tree of knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die." Eve had been informed of this, but through a serpent, the Devil told her: "You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God knowing good and bad." That was malicious slander against Jehovah God!

    I might just have to go to this WT study.

    Exactly where did the Serpent(not the Devil, by the way) slander God?

    Genesis 3: 22,23: And Jehovah God went on to say: “Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad, and now in order that he may not put his hand out and actually take [fruit] also from the tree of life and eat and live to time indefinite,—” With that Jehovah God put him out of the garden of E´den to cultivate the ground from which he had been taken.

    Did Adam die that day? No. Did their eyes become open and come to be like God knowing good and bad. Yes.

    So, where's the slander?

  • atypical

    This is really upsetting to me. It comes at a time when I am taking a lot of heat for not showing up at meetings or field service. Whenever I have had conversations with my mother about this religion, she asks me, "where have you been reading? is it on the internet?" I only get that question when I make a valid point. I can't stand this article because it does nothing to address the real issues that so called apostates are raising. All it does is create a demon in the minds of jws, so that whenever they hear independent thinking, they say "Apostate!!!!" and run. It's like kindergartners yelling "Stranger Danger!!"

    It is so frustrating to have your mind freed and yet have to deal with this type of thinking in all aspects of your life.

  • DannyHaszard
    Devil told her: "You positively will not die

    In the devils conniving confabulation with Eve he spoke 54 words only 5 were lies the rest was mealy-mouth innuendo just like the Watchtower charlatans.

    I'll be damned ain't that an irony.

  • sass_my_frass

    Uuuurrrrrmmmmmmbrrrrrrrlllllllllllllllllll *plurt*

    Excuse me I had to retch. Yes I'll be at that study.

  • Jeffro

    This WT article reminds me of a talk I heard at an international convention: "Beware the voice of strangers". (It was one of those scripted word-for-word talks in case the speaker might try to make it interesting or miss some vital propaganda. If you want to have a look, it's quoted on the Quotes website at http://quotes.watchtower.ca/bewarethevoiceofstrangers.htm) Steve Lett gave the talk at the convention I was at - I really do think he's delusional; there's something about him that's altogether not quite right.

    The most sickening part of the talk was primarily addressed to young people in the audience:

    So my dear young friends, think about this: any of your peers who try to weaken you spiritually may say they care about you, they may even say they love you. But it's a fact that they don't. And don't believe even for a moment that they do

    To me, that screams CULT. edit: I thought I should add that it's also slander.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    The Devil used a serpent as a medium to mislead Eve, and the Devil's modern-day medium is the Internet (more earthly inhabitants, bigger medium needed)? Have I missed this little gem? Has the WTBTS asid that Satan is the editor of the www (just as Jehovah is editor of the WT - lol)

  • LDH

    Has this been scanned by anyone yet, by any chance?

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