Quick question regarding Pioneers

by CPiolo 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • CPiolo

    How many hours are currently required to be a Pioneer? What other commitment/requirements are there? Thanks in advance, CPiolo

  • daniel-p

    70 hours per month, 840 hours per year. Once you complete your first year you are elligible to attend the Pioneer School which is a 2-week training (intense indoctrination) period. There is also one meeting per Circuit Overseer's visit, and one meeting per year with the congregation's Service Committee. Other than that there are no other requirements/time commitments.

  • Mysterious

    You have to be a regular publisher in good standing with regards to conduct as well. And at least a few years ago your application could still be turned down if they felt there was no way you would be able to meet the hour requirement like had been turning in 1 hour a month with no reason for it for quite some time. Though I don't know if anyone was denied on this latter grounds or not.

  • CPiolo

    Thanks guys. That helps.

  • Finally-Free
    And at least a few years ago your application could still be turned down if they felt there was no way you would be able to meet the hour requirement like had been turning in 1 hour a month with no reason for it for quite some time. Though I don't know if anyone was denied on this latter grounds or not.

    I regular pioneered for over 2 years, then went off the list to have a minor knee surgery done. (my doc couldn't tell me ahead of time how long I'd be in a cast). Three years later I applied to be a regular pioneer again. I had quit a good full time job and started a part time business, and was making good money. I had been getting good hours, and aux pioneering fairly regularly. All the elders were encouraging me the whole time. A few days before I was supposed to start the PO called me downstairs and handed my application, which he had in his posession for 2 months, back to me saying they would not send it to the society. His reason? He said, "We don't know what your financial situation is, and we don't want to get too personal." In other words, they had their preconceived ideas, and didn't want any information that would contradict their preconceived ideas.

    Funny thing was, I was doing well financially, and had a new vehicle at the next meeting. My ex told me all the elders and their wives rushed out to see it, and were questioning her about it. None of them asked me about it though. In fact, for the next 3 months no elder would even say hello to me.

    Bottom line - if they don't like you they will use any excuse they can invent to turn you down.


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