Only Jehovah’s Witnesses,
those of the anointed remnant and the “great crowd,” as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil.” Watchtower 1989 September 1 p.19"And while now the witness yet includes the invitation to come to Jehovah's organization for salvation. … Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do." Watchtower 1981 November 15, p. 21
Yet here it says: How helpful these faithful ones will be during the next phase of the resurrection, when billions of “the unrighteous” are released from the bonds of death! Most of mankind never had a chance to know Jehovah. Satan was ‘blinding their minds.’ (2 Corinthians 4:4) But the Devil’s work will be undone. The unrighteous will come back to a beautiful and peaceful earth. They will be welcomed by a people well organized to teach them about Jehovah and his reigning Son, Jesus Christ. As billions of resurrected ones come to know and love their Creator, the knowledge of Jehovah will fill the earth in an unprecedented way. Knowledge that leads to Everlasting Life. p. 186
So according to the organization those who never had a chance to know Jehovah “the unrighteous” will come back to a beautiful and peaceful earth yet people who from no fault of their own brought up in ‘false religion’ wont unless of course they change their faith that is and become ‘in touch with this channel of communication that God is using’. Satan was ‘blinding their minds’. Was he? Is the organization implying that Satan is stopping ‘the truth’ from being circulated worldwide so everyone doesn’t get the chance for salvation or do they mean that he is making people oppose Jehovah when they come in contact with ‘the truth’. All who oppose God’s Kingdom will be eliminated. Only those loyal to Jehovah will survive. -Revelation 7:9, 14; 19:11-21.
Also what’s the difference between ‘Scriptural hope’ and ‘hope’. I presume there must be a difference as Only Jehovah’s Witnesses have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. Yet billions of “the unrighteous” will be released from the bonds of death which means there is hope for those not just of the anointed remnant and the “great crowd.”