For a while after Barbara informed us of the upcoming article and by extension the WBTS, I’ll bet Ted Jaracz was seriously worried. He would have been very concerned that for once the whole ex-JW community would unite and support Barbara. Had that happened there would have been thousands actively planning and working to advertise the well researched, peer reviewed article from the Baylor University. No one on this planet could have been happier than he, to see the naysayers come on and attack Barbara’s credibility and try in every way divert attention away from the possibilities flowing from this news. He must be delighted that a few have been able to dampen the enthusiasm of so many. So much so, that many are not even thinking of what they can do with what they have been given. All they are thinking of is: it did not live up to their expectations. What great support for Ted and the WBTS. Is that what you wanted? Because support for them is certainly what you achieved. David
by imfreeimfree 8 Replies latest jw friends
Wasanelder Once
"He would have been very concerned that for once the whole ex-JW community would unite and support Barbara. Had that happened there would have been thousands actively planning and working to advertise the well researched, peer reviewed article from the Baylor University."
I sincerely doubt that one of the "Governing Body", a "Star in the right hand of Christ", a "Brother of Christ" chosen to "co-rule" in heaven gave a rat's ass about what Barbara has to say. Can you get any closer to God? We are deluding ourselves if we think they are of a mindset to even care about the attack of an apostate.
"He must be delighted that a few have been able to dampen the enthusiasm of so many. So much so, that many are not even thinking of what they can do with what they have been given. All they are thinking of is: it did not live up to their expectations."
What we have been given? Is it new light or something? That's a pretty wishful and unrealistic appraisal if you ask me. Time will tell if this has impact, or if in fact it holds water. Some of us were quick to jump onto the ideas served us by the F&DS without any quality thought. If we had applied our thinking ability the way we are now, we might never have ended up in this mess.
The fact is, not all of us have been negatively effected by the blood issue. Its not a call to arms, its an opinion and an legally untested one. If it is valid we will recognize it when we see it. It will take someone in the position of having a legitimate grievance to go for thier throats. If this helps, bravo!
"What great support for Ted and the WBTS."
Caution and acting with discernment has never been a supprot for Ted and the WBTS. You should be able to discern that. Shall we resort to simplistic accuasations about those who are not prone to knee jerk optimism?
When there is a clarion call to action based on proven information, there will be a response.
Enigma One
Imfree....can you be ANY more melodramatic? Puleeze.
So some folks here voiced their disappointment with the hype of this "big news", and holding someone accountable for their words. Big deal. Apparently you haven't yet learned that dissent is actually ok. We as ex-JW's don't have to mindlessly follow "mothers" lead. Or would you rather have us plaster on that fake smile, smarmy personality, and thinned vaneer enthusiasm for this "big turd". Perhaps you haven't taken Kingdumb Hall tendancies out of yourself yet. LOL. Sorry, been there, done that.
You don't think the WTBS is going to shred that paper's credibility to pieces immediately? LOL It's what lawyers do. Right, wrong or indifferent. By folks here pointing out issues with the paper will only help whatever legal team uses it. Also, "lending support" to the WTBS....LOL....a few typed words on an apostate web site, in the ether of the internet...yeah...that's real support for the WTBS. I suggest you look around you and take a reality check. -
Marvin Shilmer
The fact that participants here expose their work to public review and accordingly engage in live debate is a defeat for the likes of Ted Jaracz. That whimpering coward would not under any circumstances expose himself to public review and engage in live debate. He knows he promotes absurdities he is unable to defend logically, let alone scripturally. The mere fact that the likes of Barbara willingly present their work for review and then are willing to publicly stand and participate in its frank analysis is in itself a slap in the face of blithering selfish fools like Jaracz. That man teaches lies and knows it.
Marvin Shilmer
You don't think the WTBS is going to shred that paper's credibility to pieces immediately
I don't. You haven't read it. If you had you wouldn't know how to shred it.
It is solid. This news is HUGE. The WTS voluntarily created and then violated a fiduciary relationship. It is a BIG no no. That disclaimer bebu was looking for earlier? It sure would have been smart of them to use it. They didn't.
This is going to hurt them badly, and it may be only the beginning of discovery of fiduciary relationships that they have grossly abused.
No one on this planet could have been happier than he, to see the naysayers come on and attack Barbara’s credibility and try in every way divert attention away from the possibilities flowing from this news.
What news? So far there is no news. At this time an article, an opinion, has been written. It is not a court decision or legislation by any stretch of the imagination. It'll be a long time before its impact, if any, is made in any courtroom. It will take time, work, and a hell of a lot of money before we see it's true value. Then, perhaps, something newsworthy will emerge from the hype.
Enigma One
Auld...I actually DID read it. All 38 pages of it. But lawyers WILL SHRED it. Doesn't matter if I can shred it or you can shred it. Don't kid yourself. It's what lawyers do everyday.
You keep yammering away with absolute certainty about what will be seen, what is shown, what legal codes it violates. If you knew anything about the law, you would know there are no SURE THINGS when it comes to law. It truly is up to the judge, and in some cases juries. Please tell me which legal precedents and case histories you are basing your comments on. What exactly are your credentials to be voicing such certaintude? I notice that you liked to shoot down what an attorney with a law degree and a member of the BAR had to say. Do you have your law degree? Are you a member of the BAR?
As I've said before, just because you hope and wish and pray this is something big....until a JUDGE rules on it, it means nothing. So excuse me if I don't go into apoplectic shock over the mental masturbation you are engaging in. Your spittle from your raging rants is getting on my glasses, can you bring it down 118 notches? Thanks. -
Enigma One said,
As I've said before, just because you hope and wish and pray this is something big....until a JUDGE rules on it, it means nothing.
There are many doctrines for which the WTS has made dogmatic assertions. Blood is but one of them. This information will be useful for those of us who need help showing a loved one that the WTS isn't always honest when it presents secular information for their consumption.
Add this current blood information arrow to the existing quiver and you have increased your arsenal by one. It takes 100 pennies to make a dollar. It may take as many arrows to reach the mind of a JW - if possible at all.
A lawsuit, especially a successful one, or positive media coverage, will provide teeth for current unbelievers to discuss this with believing family members (or friends); that is a bonus, but it is not the only bonus.
Plus I've come to like Auld Soul's extremely positive take on this.
As for the spittle you complained about, I suggest you take a step back. There is less spittle when you stand some distance away.
***There are many doctrines for which the WTS has made dogmatic assertions. Blood is but one of them.*** the jw blood doctrine is the one that takes lives now. they have blatantly twisted information for the purpose of convincing a person, child and adult, to accept their interpetation of biblical scripture. death now by refusing blood guarantees future life. reminds me of the cool-aid trick. i certainly hope they can be held responsible for this. hope