Hi, folks. After discovering this site about a week ago and researching some of the information provided by some people on the site, I've pretty much decided not to join the JW's. I thank those who have provided me with information. I haven't decided to stop attending the KH on Sundays yet, but unless I get some information to refute so many of the things I've read during this past week, I won't ever be a JW. However, I still have strong feelings about the need to be baptized. Yet, I don't want to get baptized by any religion that believes in the trinity (this isn't an invitation for anyone here to try convincing me about the validity of the Trinity, by the way) or that's not conservative. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Also, I'd like to buy a Bible on CD or tape that is really accurate (i.e., that includes Jehovah's name where it should be, that doesn't insert words where they shouldn't be, etc.). Any suggestions?