JW actors and pictures

by Woodsman 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Woodsman

    Ever wonder what it must be like for the JWs to dress up like witches and stand around a pentagram for a magazine picture. How about all the crosses and pagan symbols in the magazines. They print and distribute these images to millions.

    Now wait, I'm not saying that this is wrong. I'm just saying it is in stark contrast to the superstitious Rank and File.

    I know JWs who wouldn't go into stores if they sold gemstones or incense. Some wouldn't buy things at tag sales because they don't know the history of the item. Cd covers, posters, tv shows, magazines, clothing, etc. all of it was scrutinized for pagan or satanic symbols when there was more pagan and Satanic symbols in their copies of WT and AWAKE than anywhere else in their houses.

    Just thought that was odd.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I have a story so depressing about this subject, I can't even tell it.

  • DevonMcBride

  • glitter

    There must be a cupboard at Brooklyn rammed full of Pagan/Satanic items they use as props!

  • misspeaches

    I remember an elder telling me when I asked about this same thing that they used to have JW's pose for those scenes. But then they were too many r&f getting stumbled so they employed wordly actors to pose in the scenes.

    I realise now that is most likely not at all true. Why would they WTBTS pay for a model/actor when they can get a JW for free.

  • Aude_Sapere

    Someone was telling me a story of a particular shot in which one of the kids was smoking. They said it was really, really odd to have that pack of cigarettes lying on the table in one of the societies buildings.


  • nelly1

    get this, once this idiot co we had said that the name of the yaght for our country in the americas cup was causing demon attacks" black magic"

    and some people had gotten memorabilia and been attacked, oh man what next and his wife bought a CD and she said to us i had to destroy it because it had organ music on it( even though the music wasnt religious) she said she might get a demon attack

    mad as a march hair, they use to call him mac the knife, he went through congregations telling people if youre not baptised you wont make it

  • SusanHere

    What's wrong with organ music?


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