To the tune of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (with apologies to Robert May and Johnny Marks)
Russell was stupid.
Rutherford was blitzin'.
Some GB members,
Thought young boys were vixens.
But do you recall...
The most whacked-out J-dub of all?
Fred Franz, the Watchtower Prophet,
Told us everything he knows!
And if you carefully read it,
The laughter just grows and grows!
All of the evil apostates,
still laugh and call him names!
They just won't let poor Freddy
Get away with his Bible games!
But every once in a blue moon,
A Witness comes by to say,
"Apostates, you've known from your youth,"
"Only the Watchtower has The Truth!"
We all laugh and cry "Idiot!"
"Sell crazy elsewhere, we're full!"
Then LadyLee reminds us,
we all once bought that bull!