Barbara Walters Special...What Is Heaven, How Do We Get There?

by SWALKER 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Barbara has this scheduled for December 20:

    I think she covered just about all beliefs...I have to say that the one that seems the most slanted is the Muslim belief...seems it's all about the guys getting 72 Virgins...where is the heavenly part for the women? I really don't know of any guy that could possibly handle 72 women!!! Most other concepts at least give both sexes the same option. It makes me wonder why the Muslim women haven't revolted long before now. JW women need to revolt also!!! The way they are treated in the org now is sickening.


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    I really don't know of any guy that could possibly handle 72 women

    i could handle 72 but only if it was on 72 separate days, and with a minimum of 95% of them having duct tape over their mouths to control yakety yak yak syndrom. 72 x() =



    i could handle 72 but only if it was on 72 separate days

    In your dreams honey...ha ha ha!!! I'll be laughing for days over that one!!!

    About the duct tape...I would suggest you wrap that around your BIG head!


  • MungoBaobab

    You gotta admit, though, 72 Virgins is a helluva lot better than doing yardwork forever in the New System. Even for the women. You get to participate in your very own celestrial version of "The Bachelor!"


    Looks good to me!!!


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    In your dreams honey...ha ha ha

    well it is heaven... so it's kind of like a dream.

    listen, if my comment bothers you so much, i promise i'll never become a muslim... that way there's probably no chance of me receiving that as a prize in the afterlife. but, just as a precaution, make sure they throw some duct tape in my coffin


  • lonelysheep

    Looks interesting. Thanks, Swalker!


    make sure they throw some duct tape in my coffin

    Please have your relatives notify me and I will personally prepare your body for the afterlife and duct tape will be included in the process!


  • Legolas
    The way they are treated in the org now is sickening.

    I agree!

    But going in as an adult I did my own thing anyway.....jehobla couldn't even change me!


    Good for you Legolas!!! I had 3 older brothers and just hated all that crap they spewed at the meetings...I made sure they knew a woman had brains at home though!!! I must have really snowed them as they still call and ask for advice!!! Ha! Ha! LOL! He! He! (That's in case Ballistic reads this thread!)


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