I have often wondered who put those footnotes after the words? See, I was digging and got to thinking....What does fire mean to Jehovah? I know what it means to me. But what if it means something different to Him? So I put aside my own reasoning of these seemingly "simple" words. I then set out to search out every one to try to see what the words meant to Him, the Author. I learned "fire" is Holy Spirit! But if I continue to go on my own reasoning, I would believe the earth was going to be consumed with "fire". It was alot of work, but as Paul? said..."if a man doesn't work, niether let him eat". Think he really meant food? Ask Him yourself. Anyone can do it. There is so much hidden wisdom it will blow your mind. All you need is a Bible and a prayer. Really cool way to hide things from people who are wise in their own eyes, and reveal them to a stupid 35 year old mechanic. So the "wise" teachers are waiting for the earth to be consumed with fire and telling others the same, And a stupid mechanic is praying for it to happen? What is up with that? Don't take my word for it, try it yourself.
I have said before to people who try to discredit the bible... It is like giving a mechanic in the 50's a 06 Lexus 430 with a instruction manual. However he throws it away, saying it is too hard to understand to be of any help fixing the car. Problem is, the owner is on His way to pick up the car! What is he going to do? Go find someone "knowledgable" to write a book explaining the manual to him? Maybe sing a few songs praising the Author and the Owner? Do you think the Owner is going to be happy with that, and forget his car is in pieces. Who is going to take the responsibility and the blame for the messed up car? Are the "knowledgable" men who wrote the books to guide the mechanic? They were happy and content to be teachers and guides for the mechanic, enjoying their superiority over him. No they will throw him under the bus and blame it all on him. Should he fix the car, do you think they will introduce Him to the hardworking mechanic who busted ass to get it fixed, or take all credit?