I'm taking the societies advice to ...

by Bumble Bee 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    ... simplify my life - by throwing out old publications! Wow, I can't believe how much room they took up in my storage space under the stairs.


  • JH

    Some keep their old magazines to compare old light with new light constantly changing.

    But I did like you and got rid of so many books and magazines. I never read them in the first place, so why should I keep them now?

  • Finally-Free

    Use old magazines to line your pet's litter box, cage, etc. They're very absorbant.


  • mkr32208

    I had tons of liturature that I tossed mainly bound volumes It was kinda sad when I got the entire pile to the curb it had to have been two or three ENTIRE FREAKING TREES! I wish now that I had taken a picture of it it would have made a great avitar!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    Some keep their old magazines to compare old light with new light constantly changing.

    JH - Yes, I thought of that, but I came to realize that I really don't care anymore! I haven't looked at any mags in so long now that I don't think I'd know what the new and the old light is anymore anyways. Besides, the second there is any new light it's reported on here! lol

    FF - Thankfully my dogs don't require paper anymore, but I have kept some mags aside for the woodstove.

    mrk - I'm doing a bit at a time - don't want to overwhelm the recycle guy, plus I don't want to alarm my hubby by doing everything at once. He never looks at them either, but he's not at the point I am, so it's a bit each week, plus what I burn. But it is sad to look at how much waste it is.


  • carla

    Please don't throw them out! Send them to an anticult ministry or maybe Randy at Freeminds could use some of them? You know how often jw's will not accept scanned copies from the internet.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I took mine back to the KH and placed them in front of the Hall door.

    For me it was too much hassle to worry about sending them somewhere. That's just me.

    I let the dubs decide what to do with it. After all it is their trash.

    An alternate possibility is to write some anti cult info on the covers and throw them like a newspaper up to the door of the hall. When some show up for service they might look and see what you wrote and 'Come out of her' - who knows.

    The magazines make excellent toilet paper if u have to use the woods while camping or hunting.


  • katiekitten

    I always felt kind of sad when I saw a tract or magazine thrown away. Not because I think they are of any value, but because I knew of the sweat, embarrassment and hard work that had gone into trying to place the damn thing.

    Being a JW is all hope and no substance. It still makes me sad.

    Mind you, nothing gave me greater pleasure than to throw out that yellow monstrosity. My Book of Bible Stories. When I had my own kid I read it through freash eyes, and its all about sex death and vengence. Its so bloodthirsty. Theres no way my daughters reading that violence dressed up as godliness.

  • Finally-Free
    The magazines make excellent toilet paper if u have to use the woods while camping or hunting.

    I'd be worried about all that cheap ink getting smeared all over my ass.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    carla - I'm sure I have nothing that Freeminds doesn't already have - but if they want anything they are more than welcome to it. Most of what I've got rid of so far is fairly recent stuff. Loose mags are the first to go, then it will be the bound volumes, then I'll go through the books, so there is still time - it's not all gone yet.

    kk - I don't know if you remember this or not, but several years ago, we had a talk about only using the recent literature, and that we should dispose of the old books etc, because of the "new light" blah, blah, blah. She also had doubles of lots of bound volumes, books and asked at the hall if they wanted any of them - they didn't and told her to just throw them out.


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