New Idea...A Published Collection of...

by AuldSoul 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • AuldSoul

    Questions people have written to the society and the answers they have received. The writer of the letter and the recipient of the response can grant permission for publication. PM me if you want in, anonimity cannot be guaranteed, so those still in may not wish to participate.


  • crazies

    What about letters to the Congregation/Elders?

  • Sirona

    Good idea.

    I have an enquiry letter and their original response.

    Quite lengthly too....


  • AuldSoul

    Good question, crazies...well, they frequently make the claim in court that the elders are NOT their representatives, so I don't see how they can reasonably ALSO claim that they ARE. Therefore, if an elder decided to make the communications public I don't know how they would reason there was any violation.

    Maybe an elder could weigh in?

    Sirona, you have a PM.


  • fairchild

    That is a great idea indeed, but somehow I doubt that the writers of the answers will give their permission for publication, especially since the royalty money wouldn't roll into THEIR hands. (although royalties really aren't all that great).

  • AuldSoul

    As I understand it, both parties do not have to agree to release. Also, if distributed free under the banner of Ecclesiastical Privilege in an electronic format...

    It is my firmly held belief, and the belief of all adherents to my faith, that "The sins of some men are publicly manifest, leading directly to judgment, but as for other men [their sins] also become manifest later. In the same way also the fine works are publicly manifest and those that are otherwise cannot be kept hid." (1 Timothy 5:24-25)

    Our charitable work is to make these sins known. We know not where or when such may be uncovered to us, but once it has been uncovered there is no way to hide it from light. Praise the Law!

    AuldSoul (of the "They Will Regret Making Me" class)

  • MerryMagdalene

    Sounds good...sorry I have nothing to contribute.


  • fairchild
    As I understand it, both parties do not have to agree to release.

    Are you sure about that? Everything that is written is automatically protected by copyright laws. Publishing any kind of writings without the author's permission is a violation of such laws.

  • AuldSoul

    No, fairchild. I'm not sure, but I will find out prior to e-publishing.


  • TD

    Just a word of caution -- There will be NO anonymity. Brooklyn has an extremely efficient system in place for locating written inquiries and responses. They won't need the deskcode to find your letter and name if the full text is published.

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