Crime - Sign of Last Days?

by Amazing 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hello All: Recall how the WTS harped on "Crime" as the 'love of the greater number cooling off' and the growing 'lawlessness' and so forth as part of the "Composite" Sing of the Last Days.

    Crime is down all over the world, except for some pockets. And as one piece of evidence, here is today's headline from the New York Times:

    "Who ever thought crime would go down? Who ever thought we would run out of inmates?" -TIM MUNROE, a corrections officer in New York State, where prison staffs are being reduced. - Amazing

  • philo

    I heard on BBC radio a while back that the crime rate increases of the UK's 1980s have been shown not to be about crime at all, they were a result of computerisation and centralised record keeping (as more districts got connected), So crime stayed the same but recorded crime increased so ominously from the WT view. Puff goes another WT red herring.


  • funkyderek

    When crime is up, that's part of the sign of the last days. When crime is down, that's people saying "true peace and security", another sign of the last days. The trick is never to think both those thing at the same time

    Those who can induce you to believe absurdities can induce you to commit attrocities - Voltaire

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Has anyone considered the amount of unreported crime in nations that do not have the ability or infrastructure to generate statistics?

    For example, what about Uganda, Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and any other third world underdeveloped countries where there are rebels and guerillas on the loose.

    Many of these nations have no means for enforcing any order whatsoever. Does that mean they are crime-free? And, if crime is a sign of so-called last days, then are we missing the sign because we cannot see all of the details around the globe, but JAH can?

    Sounds like there is much room for speculation. .02$

  • Amazing

    Hi UR: First, if the WTS is correct about Matt. 24 and other Bible chapters providing a 'sign', then we humans need to be able to see and understand the so-called 'sign.'

    The places you mention may or may not have increasing crime. But they do not comprise a serious level of planetary population which stands over 6 Billion today. The nations of India and China make up 2 Billion together, and with Europe and the Western Hemisphere, the vast majority of the planet os covered.

    Historically, the WTS most often cited USA crime statistics because the USA data is fairly thorough, and is readily accessible. So, the Western hempsphere and Europe serve as a "barometer" for WRS claims of crime as evidence of the Last Days. Yet, these locations have been experiencing a crime decrease for several years - and this raises serious questions - not only about WTS forcasting, but even the interpretation of a composite 'sign.'

    The book "Sign of the Last Days - When?" by Carl O. Jonnson is a great work and explains that there is no such 'sign', but that the WTS took Jesus words out of context and misinterpreted what he said.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Hi Amazing:

    I agree. I need to research the "composite sign" in depth. I have always been unsure of the ability to compile accurate and global statistics as evidence to support historical trends.

    Since the barometer was and has always been western society, then the readings were obviously inconsequential in a global scope. Does China even report such details?

    Also, if the composite sign is examined and is taken out of context, then what are we really looking for anyway?

    Very interesting stuff. Everyday I am getting a new education here!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    There's a simple and obvious answer to the question of why global crime statistics are down.

    Armageddon came invisibly in 1975 and invisibly cleansed the earth.

    We're now living in the invisble millenium of the invisible Christ's invisible reign.

    I expect that soon the Faithful Deodorant Slave will take a vote and approve this new light by a slim majority. It gets them off the hook for HUNDREDS of years.

    I think another sign of the last days is RAIN. Oh, wait, that was Noah...

  • larc


    I like the way you think. Right now, I have an invisible lion and lamb laying under an invisible orange tree in my backyard here in Ohio. I think my whole yard will be an invisible Paradise in no time.

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