Things I have learned

by Lady Lee 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I've been out of the WTS for over 20 years now. I've done and tried many things. Some things I have kept and many I have left behind. The things I have kept sustain me.

    • I still believe in God/Higher Power.
    • I believe in a strength that comes from the world around me. I am most in touch with this touch with this strength when I am in nature, beside the water, and listening to the leaves chanting to the wind.
    • I know I will never give up my power again. I have learned that I must listen to my inner voice. It does not err.
    • I know I don't have all the answers. But in time the answers will come.
    • I know I will never again trust those who say "Trust me". They have proven untrustworthy in the past. I have learned to trust myself.
    • I have learned that fear can be a friend. It warns me of danger and the need to care for myself.
    • I have also learned that my anger is a sign that I have been hurt and need to be assertive to protect myself.
    • I have learned that I have all the tools within me to be the person I want to be, kind, loving, generous, intelligent, and strong.
    • I know that over the years I have learned that whatever life throws my way I have the strength to endure and overcome.
    • I have learned that family are those we choose and not always those we are born in.
    • I have learned to avoid those who seek to rob me of my thoughts and feelings and actions.
    • I am a work in progress. And I am still learning.

    What about you?

  • jgnat

    Your list is really good. I think some of them are mine too. Here's some additions.

    • Life is sweet and bitter all mixed in together.
    • Treasure the sweet moments to make them last. Remember the bitter times, because by contrast they make the rest more beautiful.
    • Do no harm. This is harder than it looks.
    • The joy is in the searching, not in the destination. Enjoy the uncertainty that comes packaged with living.
    • I am my happiest when I give to others.
    • When I look outwards, I am less alone.
    • Depression is a sign that I'm ignoring a personal injustice. Find the source, and root it out.
    • If it hurts, say OW!
    • Take a child with you on your walks. See your world with fresh eyes.
    • Integrity is my pearl of great price. The cost of keeping my word is priceless. Most everything in life can be stripped away; possessions, health, children. But integrity cannot be taken from me.
    • By being outwardly vulnerable, I have inner strength. This is better than displaying outer strength but hiding my weakness.
    • Living with no masks saves a lot of energy. People think I am incredibly brave and strong.
  • newcreation

    excellent topic! hello from a newby! been watching from afar for some time, and finally decided to come aboard if you'll have me...

    what I've learned??? This: The Power of Now"...that life is lived in the moment. not to agonize over failures and bad choices in the past...or to worry and lose sleep about what might or might not happen in the future.

    Today, I helped out at my granddaughters class as they made the most wonderful gingerbread houses for Christmas....It was nothing lesss than magical to see those innocent, beautiful children creating the most beautiful works of art that I have ever seen...Truly an experience I will never forget!

    Also I have learned that there is a Creator....and being created in his image, I believe we were created to create. and play..and have some fun in life. I've learned that there is a lot of love in the world, that there are many paths to God.....and that there are miracles today...I am one. I am a survivor, and I am thankful to God for that. I have learned to live in gratitude for all the blessings in life, all the gifts from God.

    I bless those of my family that have chosen to stay behind in the controlling confines of the Borg...but I also know that they have free choice, and if that is the path they have chosen, so be it.

    May you all have a safe and happy holiday season..

    New Creation

  • freedomlover

    beautiful thoughts "new creation" and WELCOME!!

    Lady Lee and jgnat - always richness from your wise are my role models and teachers.

    I've learned many on the things you also brought out.

    a couple I can think of is:

    - love. to love is the greatest human experience. it's never foolish to express your love or adoration for someone. show love and it will come back to you.

    - friendship. it's the universe's way of making up to us over our crappy families.

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