Dear Dr Spock...

by drew sagan 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Dear Dr. Spock,

    I just wanted to let you know a little bit about what your stupid book started. You see, every time I attend the Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses somehow, somewhere I have to hear mention of how your book proves "worldly wisdom" is no good. Don't get me wrong, I love the old episodes of your old tv show. But man, why did you have to write that book? Don't spank your kids? Didn't you know that every Jehovahs Witness Elder across America would be on your ass in their public talks? I know it's not your fault totally, but can't you at least write Brooklyn Bethel a letter and tell them to stop this madness. We got to get the word out to all the congregations that this has got to stop. If I hear one more stupid comment at a Watchtower Study about your book we might just find ourselves in more than just words. Just asking that you think about us annoyed JWs before your write, thats all. Live long and prosper.


  • AlmostAtheist
  • AuldSoul

    In case I am not alone, I want to explain to you why I avoided posting to your thread. Here's the reason: I don't want to offend you. Your post seems sincere, but it is hilarious. Not having any clue from the post whether the humor is intended...I am almost afraid to post for fear of hurting your feelings.


  • lonelysheep

    Drew, you crack me up! I appreciate not being in those meetings, regardless if I was born yet or not (I don't know when that book was published, sorry). I hate being told how to be a parent!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Just so there is no question, this thread IS a joke. Thanks :)

  • Confession

    LOL @ AuldSoul!

    Drew, it was clear to me that you were joking. There's no way you could create such perfect sarcasm, which includes a mistaking of Doctor Spock for Mister Spock.

    Well done!

    I wonder why we used to have such scathing denunciation for Dr. Spock's mistakes--but none for those of the Watchtower Society?

  • Spectre

    Its funny, yet sad because its true.

  • AuldSoul

    LOL @ Drew!

    In case I am not alone, I want to explain to you why I avoided posting to your thread. Here's the reason: I don't want to offend you. Your post seems sincere, but it is hilarious. Not having any clue from the post whether the humor is intended...I am almost afraid to post for fear of hurting your feelings.

    I was only giving what I got, man. No need to clarify, you tossed some out here so I figured I'd toss some back. Anyone who took Carl's last name and avatar likeness would obviously know Mr. Spock, and would likely know that the good Doctor is dead, whether referring to Dr. "Bones" McCoy (DeForest Kelley) or Dr. Spock.

    You give great satire, by the way.


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