Answered. I am sure somebody knows somebody who knows somebody...I need my intelligence network right now. Tell them I would like to meet them, I have a couple of questions I can't seem to find answers to, and I think they could help me. I am available anytime I am at 615.5 Washburn Ave Louisville Ky 40222 my cell is 502-744-5580 Tell them I would be greatly honored to meet them. I need a new job..........
How can I get in touch with "skull and crossbones"? need some questions..
by DavidChristopher 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Call your President, he's a member, JWB
Golf -
Rig Boy
Try contacting Russell Trust. They own Skull and Bones. Don't expect any real answers though.
Nobody died when Clinton Lied... -
I just want them to teach me and you how to run we can lead ourselves. I think they need a vacation. And I think I need a new job...My friends fired me at my last one because they got greedy, and I was bored to tears with it anyway. So they actually "helped" me. To me a "job" gets "boring" and it becomes more like "work". So I guess you could "accuse" me of being "lazy". You may even win...
Pull up...stage..leave on green
I "want" to try "drag racing" for a living now.
Rig Boy
Order of the Skull & Bones, Chapter 322 and Russell Trust [ Post 294079229 ]
Category: News & Opinion (General) Topic: Philosophy & Religion Synopsis: Source: Ambassador House Published: October 23, 2005 Author: Fritz Springmeier For Education and Discussion Only. Not for Commercial Use.
From the book "Bloodlines of the Illuminatti" Fritz Springmeier
Order of the Skull and Bones, the Order, Chaper 322, legal name, Russell Trust, and to members it has been called the Eulogia or Eulogian Club
Founding Date: Founded in 1832, by Illuminati members from Germany, working in concert with major occult leaders at Yale University
Records Show that the Russell family were German Jews who immigrated to Scotland, and then to Northern Ireland and then to Pennsylvania.
The Order of the Skull & Bones had been organized at Yale by Gen. William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft in 1833, and then legally incorporated as The Russell Trust in 1856.
The Russell Trust later created the Wackenhut Security Companies, which are private Illuminatti armies which guard key installations. Wackenhut was involved in both the Oklahoma City bombing coverup and the Waco Branch Davidian massacre. The debris was hauled off and guarded by Wackenhut at local landfills.
Prominent Members: George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bush, Prescott Sheldon Bush, William F. Buckley, William Bundy, Henry J. Heinz, Taft family, William Huntington Russell (family started Jehovah’s Witness),
Actual Founders: William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft
Control Mechanisms: Members take oaths.
Leaders: Patriarch of the Order meet annually on Deer Island (part of the Thousand Islands) in the St. Lawrence River a few miles NE of Alexandria Bay, NY. Apparently some other meetings have also taken place.
History: This is a secret order of the Illuminati. It looks at juniors within the students of Yale University and initiates each year exactly 15 men into the Order. In the selection process, they show preference to men from Bones families, or from other leading Illuminati families. They neophyte, once initiated in an occult ritual, becomes a Knight. Knights will ruse to become Patriarchs after their senior year. This Order has been extremely powerful and gets the best candidates at Yale. Its badge in the past was made of gold and was the face of a skull. Its pin was in the past called a “crab.” Its building “the Tomb” is on High St. The Order has rituals. Initiation rituals begin at midnight with a coffin and a “new birth.” A fish horn, muffled drum and a toiling bell are part of the ceremony. The Order has grips, but it is not known if they are used much. A new member receives a $15,000 gift for joining, with no strings attached. IN the 1990’s, after being exposed by a number of researchers (incl. the author of this book), the Skull and Bones began to change. In the year 2000, more women than men were tapped for the Order. They are now tapping the heads of various identity groups, such as the head of the Black Student Alliance, or the Lesbians at Yale.
Ties to other organizations: The Order of the Skull and Bones was developed out of the previous cult fraternity at Yale the Society of Brothers in Unity. The film Order of the Bell with Henry Ford as the lead actor portrays a fraternal organization similar to the senior fraternal orders such as Skull & Bones, and Scroll & Key (legally know as Kingsley Trust). Other Yale fraternities associated with the Illuminati are Scroll & Key, Book & Snake (Stone Trust Corp), Wolf’s Head (legally known as Phelps Trust), Berzellus. At Princeton they have the Ivy Club & the Cottage Club. At Andover the Illuminati have the AUV. At Harvard they have the Porcelain (also called the Porc or Pig) Club, and the Fly Club. At Oxford it is the Group. Cornell also has a fraternal order. In 1869, a Spade & Grave Order was created, and its members were known as “Graves Men,” and then later “Diggers.” At Columbia College (now a Univ.) a fraternity was started called Ax and Coffin, and at Wesleyan one was started called Skull & Serpent. But these last two fraternities have lacked the caliber of men that Skull & Bones and Scroll & Keys have.
William Huntington Russell (1809-85)is a significant person. He is descended from Rev. Nodiah Russell who along with Rev. James Pierpont founded Yale. The Collins Illuminati family and the Unitarian Church were also involved in the founding of Yale University. Rev. James Pierpont’s descendants went on to become Masons, Skull & Bonesmen, and marry into bloodlines connected to Princess Di. His daughter married William Russell and the great granddaughter of Rev. James Pierpont married Illuminatus/financier John Pierpont Morgan’s dad.
Meanwhile, Rev. Nodiah Russell, the other founder, went on to have his descendants become slave and opium shippers, as well as pirates. The most notable descendant being William Huntington Russell, the founder of the Order of Skull & Bones. This family’s company, Russell & Company had the Skull & Bones as its company logo. It had as one of its top business partners Warren Delano, Jr. who was grandfather of FDR and chief of Russell & Company operations (opium) in China.
The Russell family and Taft family are closely related. These families have played a role within the leadership of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons. This author has also worked with a number of people who were participants in Illuminati satanic rituals performed by the leaders of Jehovah’s Witnesses and also the leaders of the Mormon LDS church.
The family names on the Skull and Bones roster roll off the tongue like an elite party list -- Lord, Whitney, Taft, Jay, Bundy, Harriman, Weyerhaeuser, Pinchot, Rockefeller, Goodyear, Sloane, Stimson, Phelps, Perkins, Pillsbury, Kellogg, Vanderbilt, Bush, Lovett and so on.
William Russell went on to become a general and a state legislator in Connecticut. Alphonso Taft was appointed U.S. Attorney General, Secretary of War (a post many "Bonesmen" have held), Ambassador to Austria, and Ambassador to Russia (another post held by many "Bonesmen"). His son, William Howard Taft ('87), is the only man to be both President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
The Illuminati’s SECURITY SYSTEM
Russell Trust is the legal corporation that is the Order of the Skull and Bones, financed the creation of host of security co. under the Wackenhuts, incl. a Security Service called Wackenhut Corporation. Another part of this is Wackenhut World Technologies, Inc. or WWT Inc. Wackenhut operates worldwide. Their headquarters are in Florida. They have branch offices even in places like Portland, Oregon. Wackenhut handles all Intelligence-related and Super Secret work-classified ULTRA for the US. worldwide. They are the ones who guard the UFO bases topside, along with the CIA’s Delta Teams, and various MP units, etc. Their branch in Las Vegas provides security for the Groom Lake UFO facility. Las Vega’s Review Journal on Fri. 7/26/91, p. A1 & 3A had an article about 3 Wackenhut agents who lost their lives in a helicopter crash near the Groom Lake. The telephone number to Wackenhut World Technologies, connects first through the Russell Trust - it is 702-646-4406, and it will be answered by the Russell Trust. Wackenhut’s board of directors are CIA, FBI Div. 5, NSA, ISA, and NRO officials. The girls who answer the various local Wackenhut Corporation numbers are not in the know about what Wackenhut Wd. Tech. are all about. Their 1-800 # is 929-2431. Their San Reme Ave, Cerel Gabels, FL 33146 # was 305-666-5656. Their local no. here is 256-3996, and one of their local CA # is 714-9794966. George Russell Wackenhut is their security services executive. He is also the Chrm & Chief Exec. Officer. He worked for the FBI, and is a Christian Scientist. Richard Russell Wackenhut is the President & Chief Oper. Officer. Wackenhut has in the neighborhood of 40,000 employees.
Russell Trust Association
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with Skull and Bones. (Discuss)
The Russell Trust Association is the business name for the New Haven, Connecticut based Skull and Bones society, incorporated in 1856.
In 1943, by special act of the Connecticut state legislature, its trustees were granted an exemption from filing corporate reports with the Secretary of State, which is normally a requirement.
From 1978 onward, business of the Russell Trust Association was handled by its single trustee, Brown Brothers Harriman partner John B. Madden, Jr.
Madden started with Brown Brothers Harriman in 1946, under senior partner Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush's father.
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Thank you for the intelligence information Rig Boy! I got a bud light with your name on it.