I believe Jesus is guilty of betraying his fellow man. He lied to his followers telling some of them they would still be alive when he returned. In the book of revelation Jesus said in the first and last chapters that he was coming quickly and for the reader 2000 years ago to use discernment because he was showing them what must shortly take place. Look up the meaning for shortly in Hebrew. He was also exalted to a superior position by his father as head of the christian congregation. Now here's something to ponder. Supposedly in the account of Acts 5 Ananias and Sapphira sold a field and lied to Peter about the amount donated. Because of their lies they both fell dead. Now that was power, nobody could get away with even lying to Peter about their donations, so do you think a child molester stood a chance in that congregation. The church claims that was a demonstration of the holy spirit helper from Jesus in action. What happened to the spirit and the power? If Jesus is head of the church as religion claims then why do we have priest child molesters, murders of innocent people such as those classified as heretics and so forth during the dark ages? Then we have the crusades where the cross and claims of Jesus leadership led to the rape, murder and robbery of non-christian people on a vast scale. If I was in charge of a government or business that did things like this using my name and I had the power to stop it and didn't, then I could be legally tried for crimes against humanity. Is it any wonder a Muslim thinks it's a good thing to kill a christian? If the salvation of all mankind rests in them bending their knee to Jesus, and a great number of mankind has been offended and injured by representatives carrying his name, then whose at fault for their damnation. It's like standing by and watching a murder when you have the power to stop it. It's like saying your're damned because I screwed you over. Where's that Jesus love and justice? Think about this. The JWs and all the current last-dayers time predictions are just as accurate as the so-called saviour and leader was for the first century christian. Christian religions today can do and claim anything they want, tell all the lies they want, defraud their members in Jesus name, disallow life saving blood transfusions in his name and he won't do a damn thing about it. I think that's grounds for a law suit, don't you?
Why Jesus needs to be sued!!!
by THE SHOOTIST 5 Replies latest jw friends
Yes if the whole Jesus thing wasnt just a myth. You cant sue someone who doesnt exist.
Perhaps he should be sued for copyright infringement. The gospels show him frequently quoting from the OT, and if the scribes and lawyers knew better, they would've filed suit when they had the chance...for we all know how infringing it is to quote without permission...
I thought Jesus was closed down by the Romans?
Did he declare the tax when turning water into wine?
"...it's the women YOU gave me." Gen 3:12