With so much food around do your pets get extra portions of nice meat on Christmas day? They also need to celebrate and have a good time!
Pets on Christmas day
by greendawn 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Oh yes my dogs get feast goodies also,but i keep it to a minium, and they have a stocking to open filled with toys.Which my Bloodhound will tear and destroy everyone just to get the squeekers out but, oh well.
Merry Christmas Greendawn
my pet gets a little extra wuv an' attention
cuz i'm finally home instead of at werk!!! :) -
My dogs are so full they are knocking treats back
They make out like little bandits!
Happy holidays, to all, including the four-footed critters!
With my cat and dog everyday is a holiday! Both animals will eat just about anything (even the cat).
Actually, we buy our two dogs Christmas presents and we give them some "treats", like good chocolate - but only in moderation (we know it can cause diabetes in excess). Well, after all, they're part of the family and they give us unconditional love 24 hours a day 365 days a year! We love 'em to bits!!
Our dog got to unwrap a chew bone in gift wrap, lotsa fun! The cats had some turkey with us and we all took naps. The cats played in the wrapping paper and bows.
My 22 LB dog could eat today and yesterday as much meat (and whatever else) as he wished, he also has to celebrate.