I did go to a wedding last night. The talk was painfully boring and same as always. Seemed to be more directed to the bride at times:
"Remember you are to be below your new husband, recognize your role in the marriage, never attempt to take control of it." BLAH BLAH BLAH
And how sad I could already see the new husband taking onto his 'King of the Castle' role quite well. I was seated at the table right next to the bride and groom's and he would "Shush" her very rudely a few times during people's speeches. I dare a man "shush" me
And yet the WT always tells husbands that they are never to abuse the role of headship but how many of them really follow that rule? Once someone drills it into your head that you're "that man" in charge, the head Honcho-are you really worried about the chance of abusing that role?