Just a thought or two from Riche's Assembly
There was a talk about "Loyalty to God"-- they numbered off things that were paramount displays of loyalty. Number 4 was giving money to the WorldWide Work--- no strings attached.
The other things were giving your talks at the Ministry School--- going to ALL THE MEETINGS, being OBEDIENT TO THE ELDERS! THey really hammered the obedience to elder thing at this asembly. My guess is that many are NOT obeying the elders. Havingknown many an elder and having seen first hand how they reason, how they think, and knowing how unprepared they are to do either, it is no wonder tht many are NOT obeying the elders.
As I was listening to this talk I could see clearly for the first time--- SEE AND HEAR FOR MYSELF---- that the last refuge of the scoundrel is religion. Telling people that not cleaning the toilet at the Kingdom Hall is an act if disloyalty to God was simply beyond the pale. They really beat people up over the the most insignificant of things--- things they do not budge with their fingers.
The light is beginning to shine.