Sometimes when some JW tries to "prove" you something from scripture, it is usefull to observe the question from oposite direction. For example, if JW tries to prove that word "proskuneo" towards Jesus Christ means only "homage" then ask, how it should be written if author of gospel would like to show somebody worshiping Jesus Christ (no matter what reason). If JW tries to prove that World was not created in 7 astronomical days, but in 7 "periods" each longing millions of years, then ask how it should be written in Bible in case (for some mistical reason) if author of Genesis would like to say that the world was created in 7 astronomical days, wat words or constructs THEN he should use! And so on. The magic is that JW one of the techniques (you ofcourse know) is to put other meaning of some words and then try to change the context. But this error becomes visible from "opposite" point of view. If they say that Holy Spirit is only personification of Gods force, then ask how meny (allmost all) sentences where this "personification" acts, should be changed in some "imaginary" world, to make Holy Spirit real person... how then the message would change. And honest observer (which JW are not) would notcie that in whole these examples it should be just like it is allready in bible.
may be this can help (not only witnessing to witnesses)
by Shazard 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
sorry ofcourse I mean 6 days not 7 days
Interesting tactic. Thanks for sharing Shazard.
Welcome to the board!
For example, if JW tries to prove that word "proskuneo" towards Jesus Christ means only "homage" then ask, how it should be written if author of gospel would like to show somebody worshiping Jesus Christ (no matter what reason)
Unfortunately correctly interpreting certain ancient words is not as simple as that. Sometimes the context is absolutely the only way to get the proper view. For example, the Society can use the exact same reasoning you are using re Acts 5:42 and 20:20 ret the Greek Word translated 'from house to house'. They could say 'how should it be written if the author would like to show somebody that we should preach to every house in a town'? The fact is that many bible translations besides the NWT render is 'house to house' and that is quite an acceptable rendering, however, it is only be considering the broader NT context and overall testimony that we can get a more balanced understanding.
thing is that JW does not recognise context atall... they evend does not know what is context of whole Bible
I think JW's are a mixed bag. In my opinion they correctly consider the overall context of the bible when it comes to rejecting the Trinity and immortal soul teachings. Yet on smaller matters they ignore the context.