*** The First Interview ***
The Drew Marshall show, drewmarshall.ca
Canada's Most Listened to Spiritual Talkback Program
Two Quotes audio files here, the interview and the call-in talkback, get both at http://www.drewmarshall.ca/listen.html
September 24, 2005
[Quotes] - Having grown up in a Jehovah's Witness family, [Quotes] came to the realization that what he was being raised to believe, wasn't standing up to scrutiny. Subsequently, he put together a fantastic website, simply showing primary resource material (stuff JW's say about themselves and their beliefs) then simply highlighted various points of interest... things to make you say "Hmmm!" The WatchTower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania have initiated legal proceedings against [Quotes], seeking a reported $100,000 in damages and a court order to silence the website. http://quotes.watchtower.ca
(43m:15s - 9.89MB)
[Quotes] takes your calls about the JW's.
What's been your experience with the JW's? What do you think about their belief system?
(39m:10s - 6.72MB)
*** The Second Interview ***
Australian Broadcasting Co. (ABC) interview
The Religion Report
Jehovah's Witnesses vs website
9 November 2005
Transcript: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/relrpt/stories/s1501367.htm
Listen: (13.3MB) http://www.abc.net.au/rn/podcast/feeds/relrpt_20051109.mp3