Well, the 30 year disclosure rule would only apply to governments.
..true of course, actually the UK Government in the instance I mention...however...is not the WTS a "Government"
..the news item referred to Harold Wilsons cabinet making arrangements for continuing to govern in the event of a Russian Nuclear Strike, which was considered a real possibility, they even recorded the News Announcement ready for such an event...the BBC was to be closed with a single radion (no TV) station - the War Radio Service - telling citizens not to try and escape as there was nowhere to go! (of course as the country would burnt to a crisp)
..actually I posted this as an attempt at light hearted humour with a cynical view of those times and the 1975 frenzy of the WTS, and am surprised at the comments by JWDs best humorist which might indicate he thought this was (or I thought it was) a real possibility - no I know from experience that the FOI Act/ 30 year rule nor even common sense or Christian principle will drag anything out of the dark tower - more like a black hole than a lighthouse.
..from that era the WTS is erasing all literature,and from what I have seen is convincing many that it was all just a minor storm in a teacup which WE brought on ourselves, yes...the old publications are not available - not used - simply removed, much as the fabled room 1975 vanished in running mans superb assembly hotel story......
..30 years on and counting